
so here's another crappolla moment for ya...

I was going to show you what I was making for my two little nieces...

remember that cute Mr. Potato that ashley of make it and love it made out of felt! (too bad if you don't remember) cause hasbro asked her to remove the post...ya know..copyright and all that jazz.

so Just picture a cute Mr. Potato head.

Now make one with felt

Ashley sewed hers..

Mine is 100% hot glue (pure silliness to even mess with the sewing machine!)

a sneak-

 I also made a little bag to hold them:

good luck


  1. really cute so far! Can't wait to see the end result.

  2. wow...someone at hasbro actually sits around and googles Mr. Potato Head - that job must SUCK! A friend of mine just posted pictures on facebook of a Mr. Potato Head cake she made - wonder if they are going to make her take it down too.

    I'm thinking of making a quiet book - this might need to be a page.....

  3. Call it a Mr. Yam Head... no? LOL It sounds adorable!!!

  4. I made one of those a while ago (of course it didn't turn out as cute as yours or Ashleys. My girls really love it.

  5. p.s. hot glue is brilliant why didn't I think of that. It would have saved me a ton of time. Maybe I'll make it a few more accessories that way.

  6. I like what Michelle said "Yam Head".. that is a cute name.. Hasbro can't get you on that ...
    We will al know it's Mr. Potato... Lol


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