
I give up....

So here's the original plan...I was going to post 25 homemade christmas gifts in Thanksgiving...and then Dec I was going to make each of my kids quiet books...and a my husband a quilt. well lets see... I have 4 days left...(still counting today!)...2 quiet book pages (almost) done...and I bought the fabric for the quilt! WhATT tTHE!?  I didn't even make all the 25 things on my list..
I accomplished 12 of my 25 lists..
and of course it didn't help that I added a bunch of the other stuff that wasn't on the list. (tie snake...whip, star wars picture, batman mat, the puzzle, the abc church book, the gloves.....)
I give up.
Never going to finish.
the mess that is my desk!

I still have two more homemade gift for my neices (a must!)

a dress for my daughter (not a must...but I really want too!)

I have to finish an animal scarf for my OTHER neice...(must too)

and am I crazy if I really try to do the quilt!? am I totally off my rocker? am I going to stress myself out so bad that I will have to check myself into a hospital? probably..nothing says christmas quite like the late nights and the glue gun burns.

Hey do you think I could glue the quilt? that would be a TON faster....
I'm going to need to buy more glue sticks.

Oh...the quiet books are going on the easter present list....

and I still have to wrap presents!

and not to mention my wifey duties...cleaning, laundry, dinner and the constant supervision of my three kids....



  1. GIRL!!!! Look at all you did accomplish though... MS SUPERCRAFTERMOM!!! :)

  2. I didn't make half the stuff that I planned on making this year either! I love that you are just moving stuff to the Easter list...great idea! Good luck and Merry Christmas!

  3. you still got a good amount done! Don't worry!

  4. Girlie, don't sweat it! Sometimes our best plans are derailed for good reasons we may not see at the time. You obviously put lots of love and care and energy into all you do, so give yourself a break!

    Shoot for the moon. Even if you miss, you'll land among the stars. ~Les Brown

    See? You're among the stars, just where you should be this holiday season! Merry Christmas to you and yours and thanks for informing and inspiring us with your great blog!

  5. There simply are not enough hours in the day for a true craftaholic. Awesome idea- the list thing.

    Stop and enjoy the season, then start that list in January. You will be all the more prepared for next year!


  6. you've done way more than me - - and what's with the sneaky projects that weren't on the list coming in and getting done before the list - that always happens to me!!

  7. Send your gifts to San Diego and I will wrap them!! I love to wrap! Oh and yes your a little crazy to try so much but I am too so I understand lol!

  8. That sounds exactly like my list! The quiet books are going to worked on through the year for next Christmas, a fishing game is now for a birthday and the quilt for my hubby, well, he will get the top of it:)I will finish it after Christmas. I still have a tie for my son, a blanket for my daughter and 2 hooded towels to make. I think I can make it. The blanket may have to wait until after Christmas as well. Oh well, she's 1 and doesn't know the difference anyway:)

  9. Girl, you sound like me! Don't worry, what doesn't get done in time can always be used for a different holiday, or as a reward for your kiddos. That's what I'll be doing for my long list of things I didn't get to in time. haha

  10. I think I just read my life story.... that plus load up on blog drafts in case of laptop failure!!

  11. You've gotten more done than me! And I don't have kids yet! :) I've only made a few of my Christmas gifts... So good for you lady!!!!

  12. I hear you... I had a baby 6 weeks ago, decided to make my nieces presents (hairbows), bowling boys for all the little boys in my life and then 2 weeks ago I VOLUNTEERED to have 30+ people to my house for a Christmas party for my husband's office the day before we leave for my folks' for Christmas (and now it's going to snow, so we have to leave at the crack of dawn)... on top of that I made a bunch of uneeded decorations for my house (even though I LOVE them). Good luck at the wrapping... Gift bags are a girl's best friend! Merry Christmas!

  13. I am the same way. I had all sorts of plans and I still am only like half done with my Christmas shopping. I have had a wooden Nativity set for 7 years that I have been meaning to paint. Is it painted?? No!

    Next year, right? You have done a ton of great projects this year!!


  14. My super-long-crazy list was food to make, and I probably made like 5 out of 30 things! Ha ha! If ya let it get to you, you'll go crazy!

    Relax, let it go now, and enjoy the season. Sit down and snuggle with your family.

    Found a great post recently: Bethlehem Didn't Have a Hobby Lobby =)


    Good luck!

  15. that's what Toughtotes are for...all the "for next Christmas/Birthday/Anniversary/just because" projects that are just planned or started but not quite finished.

    Did your list have WHICH Christmas they were for?

    Merry Christmas!

  16. LOL! I've been feeling the same way... I guess at some point you've got to say "Not this Christmas!" and add it to your list of GREAT ideas for next year. I've really enjoyed all your ideas, and I appreciate all the time you've put into sharing them with us. I hope you and your family have a wonderful Christmas!

    Betsey at b.bar

  17. I completely understand this post! I'm starting a quilt today!! )=
    I have left to finish:
    3more crayon rolls
    1 Rubik cube
    2 fleece tie blankets
    2 sets of bottle cap jewelry
    etch 1 more beer mug
    find rocks or marbles for my candles
    1 book ruffle wreath
    1 earring board and 15 pair of earrings
    1 toddler outfit
    and... I still need to wrap... pretty much everything...
    and... I have to cook today for Christmas dinner tomorrow.
    I can't imagine how much more stressful this would be if I added 3 kids to the mix.
    Lucky.. my hubby is pretty easy to get along with and knows that I WILL go in to a crafty rage this time of year. (=lol
    Well... I hope you can mark a few things off your list without going crazy...
    I gotta get back to work.

  18. I'm sorry your so far behind, but it makes me feel better because I am even more so. And I hate wrapping presents. My daughter came up with a good idea. Use brown grocery sacks and staple them shut. It's starting to look like a great idea. Looks like we will be spending Christmas in the hospital, they are going to induce my daughter. Couldn't they either do it today or wait till after Christmas? What are they thinking??? Wishing you and yours the very best.

  19. I've always wondered about the women who do it all. Maybe there are none, really. Maybe it's just smoke and mirrors for the ones who seem to be all things at all times. I'm not one of them.
    Oh, and don't you wonder how Christmas would be if men were in charge of it all?


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.