
my favorites top ten.....err...twelve!

Here is a list of my most favoritest crafts I have done on this blog....(I know, conceited. but it's my blog and I can be conceited if I want to.....)

(I'm trying not to post the ones I posted in the last few days...the menu board is my favorite..I use it like a lifeline! I love love the stuffed animal scarf (it's my husbands personal FAV.) and we use the handwarmers EVERYDAY!...) but these are the ones that aren't quite as popular.....

my house rules...I love the color...I love when my kids do something naughty, they have to go over and figure out which rule they broke.

I love my button. I put it on my purse and it gives me a giggle everytime I see it!

cookie cutter art....It's just so fun!

I loved my playhouse...loved (past tense) see...I made it...with no room to keep it. I donated it the nursery at my church and it lasted about two sundays..poor little house!

my cord ties are so nice. makes me feel as organized..my husband even asked me to make him one. in "less girly colors please"

my glue stick cake...my sister's made it for me...and I love it. It is above my cupboards in my kitchen I just can't bring myself to "slice" into it!

my apron..I use mine TONS..my painting one is so covered with paint it's as stiff as a board!

my daughters earring holder...Love the organization.

oh the spinner...I made it to get my kids from stop fighting about who gets to say the prayer or who's turn it is to sit where..now they fight about who gets to spin the spinner....
and of course...this one..my one sentimental moment on my blog!


  1. Serious greatness, thanks for being so creative and sharing it all with so many. XO Jen

  2. Must have my own button! Love the framed letter and the story that goes along with it. I should make one for my hubs, he would love it! Yeah for husbands FINALLY having jobs!

  3. I want to be as crafty as you, seriously. I just went to Hobby Lobby today to work on a craft and it is not turning out so well. Maybe practice will help?!? I can't wait to get fun ideas from you!

  4. Your cookie cutter art has stuck with me since I saw the original post. Monday when I was stocking up on after Christmas stuff at Joann's I saw they had canvas on sale. I bought some and am planning on making my own art for my office tomorrow. I'm so excited you put that craft on your top ten!

    Liz @ finewining. blogspot. com

  5. ah, love that pin - - got to make myself one!!

  6. I still need to make myself an apron. You'd think that the amounts of shirts I have had to change as I am running out the door would have convinced me to get it done. LOL
    It is on my 2011 list of things.

  7. Great year for you! THere are so many other amazing projects you completed this year. I'm excited to see what you come up with this next year!


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.