
more top ten...

top ten posts that recieved the MOST comments....

#1 with 65 comments is Menu Board

#2...car mat with 54 comments
(the girl activity mat has 37 comments..)

#3 with 52 comments is Finger print Pendant s

Is this normal (talking about craft hoarder with 44 comments
and the follow up post dear husband, suck it recieved 23 comments.

#7  fancy nancy pens with 41
(I acually got a comment from robin (the girl that DRAWS fancy nancy...I was beyond THRILLED..Pee my pants {almost} thrilled!)

#8 stuffed animal scarf with 41

#9 with 39 comments family tree

honorable mention: with a total of 74 comments spread out into 4 posts.... is.......backwards candy corn!

stayed tune...cause tomorrow I will post my personal favorites top ten!


  1. I never saw the post on the menu board but I love it. I am always trying to find a way to organize my dinner plans for the week!

  2. Gosh so creative!!! I am going to be reading all the time for some ideas to do around the house!

  3. The family tree is my favorite! Love all your ideas!

  4. ah, backwards candy corn - - I'm now constantly checking any candy corn craft I see...

  5. I love the shower curtain!!!!! Way to neat!

  6. Why are your projects SO cool. I really do love your carmat...which makes the one I posted look like a walmart special. Love, love, love it!!!

    Just Another Day in Paradise


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.