
The top ten of 2010

Since I'm "enjoying" my holidays and "not" crafting  (I probably am...just not posting about it...jan should be filled with fun!) I thought I would share some past projects...

Here are my top ten posts (they have recieved the MOST pageviews....)

and close on the tail is
2. stuffed animal scarf (the menu has been out for about 6 months...the scarf 1 month...so I'm going to venture a  guess and say that the scarf is probably going to surpass the menu!)
(maybe I should make another holiday one....I'm going to have to put my two year old back on formula!)

5. menu board announcement (this isn't really a craft....but THIS is my favorite menu board!)

(I'm surprised this is on the list...I can think of a dozen things I like better..but ?!)


  1. You are so crafty. I can't wait to read more about all the crafting you do! I am new follower btw!

  2. If you need empty formula cans, let me know! I have a 9 month old using formula and I can easily save whatever you need! Willing to donate!

  3. I really like the hand warmers!!! I can always use those.


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.