
For boys ages 1-99

this is one of those presents you love love love...then hate hate hate. and wonder why in the world did I give this as a gift!

a rubber band gun. (this idea comes from my sister! just wanted to give her a shoutout) My brother had one. I always wanted to play with it...but when he was playing with it I would hide! and if ANYONE gave one to my husband...and I mean ANYONE I would track them down like a bloodhound and shoot them with it until they had little tiny welts all over their body.

so now that THAT is out of the way...let's begin.

oh wait. I have another thing to say. If you are anti gun...i'm sorry. Even if I tried to be anti gun...
this is my son shooting me with a cheese quesdilla....
(I am going to make a very specific list of rules to go with the rubber band gun....)

okay...NOW let's begin:

I got some free patterns off the world wide web (also known as the internet)
click HERE To download some yourself...there is an M16, a winchester, a target pistol, a machine pistol, and a shotgun (pretty fancy huh!!!)  I would think with the big long guns..you would need super long rubber bands..so we just stuck with the pistols.

You print out the pattern and cut it out.
Then you trace it onto the wood

This wood is about an inch thick.

and then you bribe your father with the biggest hershey bar ever to cut them out for you on his heavy duty wood working machine (scroll saw? jigsaw? I don't know...whatever it is I need to learn how to do it!)

my sister bought some camo tape and wrapped her gun...so great...
I decided to go the paint route...
and I started to paint it to look like a real gun

then I quickly changed my mind....I didn't want it to look too REAL....I actually walked into my kitchen and saw it out the corner of my eye and thought my husband had left a gun on the table...so I went for the camo look  and you'll never guess what I found in my garage (besides a butt load of craft crap)....

my husband spray painted his gun awhile back (it looks awesome by the way...and when he did it, I thought, this is the closest I have seen him to actually  crafting..and I was a little turned on.
what? tmi?

anyways. I took a leaf cut out from my cricut (cause there is no way in H I was going outside! FREEZE)

then I would just lay it over and spray paint...

then you remember to glue on the clothespin...
so you do that
using gorilla glue

then you spray paint it some more...

add a rubber band...

you could notch out the end...but ours works just fine without it.

you just push it and vroom the rubber band is across the room!

oh...that means...you will need to buy some of these...
can you see that little tag..$1. At JoANnS! (thanks Jana!)

stay tuned tomorrow for the 2nd part of this post...a felt target!


  1. My husband spray paints xboxes and other misc electronics. I also get a little turned on when he is "crafty". Normally the closest he gets is telling me the cat is covered in my glitter.

    ANYWAYS cute project as usual. When I saw the tiny picture on my dashboard, I thought you had revamped your glue gun for a second! haha!

  2. I am sure I will wait til' my boy is older ... much older (he's only 15 months old) ALL BOY tho. and one day he will love something like this!!! ...he already shoots us with the spray bottle.

  3. This is good and looks safe~!
    You did good...
    You actually need two guns.. for competition.
    and a target...
    ta ta for now from Iowa

  4. I love it! My boys loved them way back when, too.

  5. I just saw some wooden ones at one of the local dollar stores yesterday!
    We gave our eldest a slingshot when he was about 13ish. He did some target practice with chick peas and a tin can. On our front deck. In front of the front door's sidelight. That cost a pretty penny to replace because it was an old style and we needed to match the top glass (it was a divided one). At least he didn't do target practice on his brother (though he did do that with his bow & arrow...real ones).

  6. Oh, man, what a fun project! You are proving homemade is cool for both girls and boys!

  7. Fun idea but an IMPORTANT FYI

    I'm not 100% sure about this but I believe that in the US there's a law that toy guns are illegal if painted realistically. Legally I think they're required to have a florescent strip near the end.
    This law came about because some kid was playing with his toy gun, the police thought it was a real gun he was aiming at people, and shot him, and he died.

    I could be getting some of the details wrong, but think this is important enough to check out if you're making toy guns.

  8. http://tfwiki.net/wiki/For_safety_reasons

    Look under "Safety standards" -See the middle of the first paragraph

  9. ha! I've got a couple of boys who would LOVE this!


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