
my sister's nativities...

 I mentioned my sister collects nativities...and I got her to send me pictures of them....

this one is a little nativity found at the dollar store that my sister's friend found...and attached magnets to. It's on a cookie sheet for the kids to play with! so cute!

whew! look at all those stockings!


  1. I got Ben a navitiy scene that he is going to keep up all year around.. I gave it to him the other night and he was oohhhing an awinng.he loved it~! He looked at baby Jesus so adorning.
    and gave him a kiss.. It was a kodak moment and no camera.. yikes..

  2. Aw! Another (what looks to be) Precious Moments nativity! I have one too and I really love it!

  3. I love Nativities! They are my all time favorite Christmas decoration. I love the glass block one.
    -Cate from Random Crafty Georgia Girl

  4. LOVE the one in the glass boxes....so so so so cool!


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