
CHRISTMAS present and decor ideas......

i'm in love with this joy sign! so cute!

love this no sew scarf...cute cute and cute! such a great present! 

okay....i'm officially going to shove my husband out the door this year to go hunting..as long as he brings me back some of these! so cute!

a sugar scrub is such a good idea...for anybody!

these perhaps are my FAVORITEST THING! love them!

this blanket is the cutest thing eVERRRRR! going to make one. I scheduled some time in 2012 to get ur done.   and
if you haven't heard of made...you are probably living with this dude..

under a rock...made is awesome...like everything she does. when I grow up I want to be made...

the world's first no calorie cookie...yum! not really
unless you like wood and some of this:

and some beads! delicious!

That's so cuegly
officially...these are the cutest (not ugly) earmuffs EVEAAAR!

love this cookie cutter wreath!

this is actually an etsy shop..but look how cute they are! totally want some..

 Crazy Domestic

love love love love love love love lvoevvleellvllee

love this pumpkin...oh i Mean Snowman...

This gal makes me wish I had red hair. loved the tree topper and i love her
christmas banner as well...
to cute!

these homemade building blocks (harley style) are the coolest! my kids would Flip for these!
she also makes some non harley ones....

you could use them HOWEVER...so smart!

this photo board is the coolest thing i have ever ever ever seen~so awesome!


  1. Funny - - SEVERAL of things you featured, I already have bookmarked - great minds think alike :)

  2. thanks so much for the feature and the heads up!!

  3. I am honored to be featured! I'm glad you thought my photo booth was cool. I think its pretty cool too. :)

  4. Lots of things to chose from ....now which one do I want to do first. decisions~ decisions~!
    ta ta for now from Iowa

  5. Thanks for featuring my Holiday lamp. I love how it brings a little festiveness (is that even a word?) to that side of my living room.

  6. I love the melting snowmen cookies!!! What a great idea :o)

  7. Wow! Thanks for featuring me! Your blog is adorable!

  8. Thanks so much for the feature! What a great collection of ideas! I can't wait to explore the rest further. :O)

  9. Hello Girl! ThanX 4 the feature! I'm kinda wishing I saw those dern-cute snowman cookies BEFORE christmas...It's still winter time though right? RIght...I'll get right on that!
    Thanks again!


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.