
shout outs and an award

got this baby from
THanks so much!


I think this is just beautiful!

I want one so much it hurts! so fun!

love this button tree.

loving the stach!

I'm going to do this to an adult size bench and write, "Big bums sit here"

what a great chair makeover!!!!

adoring this jewelry holder.....colors, roundness And the jewelry! all great!

the cutest baby nursery...i mean THE CUTEST!

isn't this carboard house aDORABle!

love this little nursery!!!!

love this ceiling medallion  art work

Simply modern mom

love this whole room reveal...but the art work was AmaZing!

Always in Wonder
love this beatles inspired art work! awesome!

love this branch art! so fun..and inexpensive. two of my favoritest things!


  1. Thanks so much for the feature! So glad you liked my twig art!! Love your blog!!!

  2. you always find the greatest stuff! heather is a friend of mine - fun to see here featured here! (fresh poppy nursery :) )

  3. Thanks for the feature. And the "big bums sit here" idea. Classic.

  4. Awesome picks! Love the ceiling medallions.

  5. Thanks for featuring my necklace holder! I just made a matching earring holder that needs a few adjustments- but be on the lookout!

  6. Great picks! Love the jewelry holder so much... on my way to that blog to see about making one for myself! :)

  7. wow. thanks for posting this! We just moved into a new house that needs MAJOR wall love! these ideas are phenomenal!

  8. ceiling medallions - now that's something new - love it!

  9. Thanks so much for the feature! I love our nursery, so it means a lot that others do too. :)

    And the other ideas are, in a word-- FABULOUS.

  10. Those are awesome links! I love the idea of the bench with big bums - so funny!

    And that ceiling medalion art picture has been on my bulletin board because I love it and need it figure out a place to do it at my house. So funky and different!

    Thanks for the shout out about my mustache glasses - they make me giggle!


  11. thanks so much for the feature, loved some of your finds especially the ceiling medallions. and the big bums bench idea made me laugh.

  12. Thank you for the link, Kimbo! What great ideas you have found! I'm suprised, because I never give out awards...but congratulations all the same! :)


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.