
For the aspiring chef (or cooking enthusiast)

For those people in your life that love to cook...or hate to cook but still have to cook (I am a happy medium somewhere in between those two.)

A Magnetic Menu Board works great for keeping organized:

 a whole lot of people are going to be flippin with this next part....

So flip on.
I have has a THOUSAND EMAILS asking were I got my clear calendar sheets for my menu boards

(sierras in case you were one of the few who didn't email)

and Come to find out...Sierras isn't everywhere.

Which left a lot of people without clear calendar sheets.
 I got an email from ElisaBell
And she informed me..

wait for it

wait for it

that she found some clear calendar sheet at Oriental Trading.....
16 sheets for $5.
yup I said it.
Now, don't forget the shipping..
but it comes out to less than a dollar a sheet.
I know some of you are thinking...16 sheets...what am I supposed to do with 16 sheets.....Two words.

I'm buying some NOW!
Elisabell...Here's looking at you kid!
We ALL love you.
Click Here to order yourself some sheets....

and continuing on with the chef theme.....
Also a Heavy Duty Levi Apron is super easy to make...and you could totally pull together matching mom and daughter ones

I also found this cute play apron for kids...and just had to share cause it is just THAT cute.

or what about a great casserole carrier

or a double pot holder
from the boy trifecta


  1. Woo Hoo! Thanks so much for the suggestion Elisabell! Looked around my city and couldn't find them. Did find them online on a couple of sites but they were at least 10 dollars with shipping for one! What a bargain. So excited!
    Thanks again!

  2. Whoa, I'm way behind on reading all the posts in my google reader so I JUST noticed (over a month later) this post. You're very welcome! Thank you for posting such a great tutorial. I have some neighborhood ladies coming to make these soon.


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.