
A quick present.....

A tie snake...

I know this is not a new idea...I've seen them around blog town..and I think they are just so fun and easy and my kids will love it!  and I happen to know someone that has a collection of ugly poleyster ties

Here's my husband...wearing an ugly tie at the airport...(he's posing with Doug Flutie....don't know who Doug flutie? me neither. Some football dude!)( He served a mission for our church in Guam...and I guess they missionaries didn't want to ruin their nice ties...so they got all these ugly ones.)

I took one (with permission of course) we call this the french horn tie

I hot glued the end...

and unstitched it...It was lightly baste stiched on and I didn't want the stuffing falling out....so I unstitched and hot glued it. 
I did it by sections. I would hot glue about 8 inches. waited for it to dry and then stuff it.
and then hot glued it another 8 inches...waited for it to dry and then stuff it.
hot glued it another 8 inches....waited for it to dry and hten stuff it...
hot glued it another.....you get the idea!~

then I picked out some buttons for eyes.

and cut a felt tongue

and hot glued that on.

and when he was stuffed and had a face I declared him done and thought of a name. I originally came up with horny..then quickly changed my mind...maybe frenchy instead.

now you could sew this..but My blog is a girl and a GLUE GUN....so I did what I do when I do what I'm doing...(Turk just said that on scrubs) This whole project took about ten minutes! honest!


  1. I love how simple this is. Plus it's a great way to use some of the husbands ugly ties. Although I don't think he'll let me use any to make one. :)
    Thanks for sharing!


  2. How cute is that!
    Would love for you to link it up to my Catch a Glimpse Party.

  3. Love it. This might not be what you intended it for, but I live in a cold place during this time of year. So . . . I can see these used as fun draft-stoppers at the bottom of doors.

  4. very cute and love your glitter nail polish! hehe

  5. Love this! But we gave all my husband's ties away to the Salvation Army a year ago. Now I'll have to go there and buy some back!

  6. My husband served in Idaho, where they don't have to worry about the ties getting worn out, and yet he still has some UGLY ties, but he LOVES them and would NEVER let me do this. I tried to revamp the ties wardrobe, but no luck. He has a SUPER UGLY tie and he REFUSES to part with it!

  7. Great idea for old ties! I might have to steal a couple from hubby (and I lov ethat you glue'd it and not sewed!)

  8. I love these, I made some of these awhile back for my son's and my nephew. They love them and they are great presents!!

  9. wow I didn't know Doug Flutie was LDS! He is a former Calgary Stampeder from the Canadian Football League (CFL). He went to the NFL and had his picture on the front of the Wheaties box. We're so proud of him. Local celebrity and all.

    As for the ties, my boys have their collection of ugly ties. I think they bought out the ugly ties from the Newark, Arlington and Anaheim areas.

    I think I still have a 3/4 finished snake somewhere around here...got lost making it.

    Your's sure is cute though.

  10. Hmm, used to live in St. George and posing at the airport... you guys don't know SkyWest do you?

    New to the blog (love) and totally stalking it, can you tell? :)

  11. i LOVE that this is made out of a tie!! come on over and link up to MMM :)

  12. Kimbo, would you pretty please link this up to my party, just pick one, and share. I have to have this, my son is currently becoming obbsessed with snakes now, and these are the CUTEST ever. I hav enot seen them anywhere yet, so gosh, I am loving this.

    Thanks so much!!!

    Bella :)

  13. Hello, I found your blog yesterday ... congratulations!
    I loved your designs and I ventured to this report (with photos) on my blog.
    I hope you do not mind, if I'm ready to remove the link.
    For the moment, thanks! Beta


  14. Hey girl, just wanted to let you know I FEATURED you today. I loved this snake so much, and have like two days left to make one, he he, thank goodness its simple right?

    Thanks for linking to **Amaze me August** I LOVE having you so much, and look forward to having you link up again.

    Bella :)

  15. How cute! and super easy! I just got one of these as a gift, but now I'm determined to make one.! Wish me luck!

  16. You made this look so easy that we got the kids make these at my son's jungle birthday party this past weekend! Thanks for the cute idea; the kids loved them!



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