
hey you.

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do you want to see how to make them?

or do you just miss me and want to come say Hi.....
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and I miss you too.


  1. I have the little leftover fingers from a project for Halloween too! I was planning on gluing little googly eyes and other cutesy things on them and making them some sort of finger puppets. Not for kids to actually play with though, as glued on googly eyes would be hazardous to their health.

  2. Love these!!! Thanks for the how to! These are just my style ;)
    Found you from Trendy Treehouse link party. I love your blog and am now following. Please come check out LBT when you get a chance and maybe follow back. Thx!!!

  3. i love them and need them in my life!!! im back to the cold weather now!

  4. I saw this on a blog the other day and it made me think of the little extras you had left over from the gloves.

    She made a snowman family portrait. Now I know black snowmen might be a little "off" but hey, it's an idea! :-)


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