
My weekly review.

I know...I'm at it again. I'm just doing a service to all those people who are putting all this time and effort into making great projects...and trying to get you to go over and VOTE!!!! So guess what...go over and vote!!!! You don't understand the stress and the time and effort it is to do a competition...(you know that fear that no one will like you!?) so go over and show some love...

and HERE are my top

drum roll please........


okay. so I don't have a top. I love all equally for different reasons. I honestly couldn't decide! I will show you all quick pictures and I' m not going to tell you the theme...see if you can figure it out!

any guesses on the theme?

click HERE to go vote. (when I can't decide who to vote for...I usually pick the project with the lowest points. What can I say, I'm a good Samaritan)

Okay, and since I'm big on competitions...the Crafting with the stars is up and I have to share my loves (the week's theme is FABRIC....oh the possibilities are endless)

shhhh don't tell but I think I love the sun the most!

click HERE to vote


  1. well obviously I made your feature list this week :)

    I LOVED fabric week over on Crafting with the Stars - WOW!! The two bedding sets and then that puff quilt were what called to me - all were great though!

  2. Great pictures. I'll go over and vote!

  3. I am so inspired by these competitions and love voting!!!

    P.S. I'm like you and vote for the one with the least when I can't decide.

  4. I just came to your site and love it! You are full of inspiration...and amusement!


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.