
The Jenny and teddy creation giveaway!

***Giveaway CLOSED****

oh my...oh my. I might be in love.
I saw these little things and I fell IN LOVE!

(now, I am trying super hard to restrain myself and not show EVERY SINGLE ONE. SUPER HARD)

they are pdf crochet patterns

are they not the super cutest things you have ever seen.
They are called amigurumi dolls (which I googled cause I have never heard of them before...don't know what rock I have been living under!)
which basically means
crocheting stuffed animals or toys.
oh crochet! It is time I master you!
oh, and did I mention that you can sell your finished doll. (I would keep all of them...I don't think I could part with any of them! (just make sure not to sell, post or share the pattern!) pretty great right!

So, let's get down to the nitty gritty
If you want to win one of these cute patterns you can do the following....
Head over to jenny and teddy shop (click here) and pick out what pattern you would want to win....(good luck...cause it's a tough one~!) come back here and tell me what it is in a comment.
That's it.

now..for some even more good news....She is giving away one cute pattern to a lucky reader of a girl and a glue gun ...but she is also giving away a cute pattern to ANOTHER lucky reader of a girl and a glue gun.

That's two winners.
oh sweet joy.

(Now, if you are new to crocheting, when you click on the pattern you like, it will give you the basic crocheting knowledge that you have to have to complete it....
and if you don't crochet....these things are the motivation to start right?!
or you can plead and beg someone who does know how to crochet to make it for you  (that's the path I'm going!) I've GOT TO HAVE ONE! I love them. My daughter was looking at them with me and she loves them too....a great CHRISTMAS GIFT!!!!!

so go. pick one..come back. comment. come back on FRIDAY to see if you are super lucky!!!!!!(you can actually come back before friday..but friday is when we are going to announce the WINNERS!)

and good luck!


  1. I think I need that crocheted cow. Yes, yes I do.

  2. All of them - but seriously if I won I would let my daughter-in-law choose one! Great giveaway!

  3. My girls are in love with cows so I would love that pattern

  4. These are so cute; I love the little lambs. Fun giveaway!

  5. You are right, it is hard to choose! I think my favorite would have to be the frog. It would make the perfect Christmas gift for my sister.

  6. Aww. I would love the bunny rabbit one! Great for my nephew and new neice! just switch up the colours a bit!

  7. Weeee!!! What a good timing! We're into crocheting these days in our homeschool program. My girls would like to learn how to make their own dolls. amigurumi is sure lovely to play with. We want to win this pattern. Thanks!

  8. LOVE that monkey brother and sister - - here's hoping for a win!

  9. Man, you're right it is hard to choose!!! I think I would pick the frog!! It's soooo dang cute!!! :)

  10. That giraffe is too cute! My son would love one!

  11. These dolls are THE cutest things I have seen! I was just looking at some crocheted hats the other day and was telling my hubby that it's time I learn how to crochet! Then I stumble across these! Really blogland?! I'm going to need a miracle to support all of my crafty hobbies I would like to get into! My favorite of them is the monkey and giraffe patterns! I LOVE monkeys and giraffes and am trying to incorporate them into my toddler's room! Thanks for the giveaway! I'm sooo excited!

  12. lovin the little purple-haired girl (-:

  13. Because my youngest son loves a lamb named Lulu, I would love to have the sheep lamb-Pinky pattern.

  14. It was hard to choose! I love the adorable cows - too cute!

  15. I really like the Frog! These are so cute. I LOVE making amigurumi, though my husband is usually more brave about what I can do than I am. ;-)

    Thanks for the chance to win!


  16. These look like so much fun and its tough to choose. I love the teddy bear.

  17. I would love to win the Summer Girl. Her purple hair and blue bow make me so happy. :)

  18. They are all very cute. I think my favourite is the lamb and sheep (well, today it is...)

  19. I love amigurumi! I am always searching the web and looking at these. I'm so sad that no matter how hard I try, I have never been able to make one.


  20. These are so cute!..I'd love the teddy bear in the tutu skirt. I'd make it for my granddaughter for Christmas stocking stuffer!

  21. These are so cute! I'd want the Easter bunny Doll-Rose. I just had a baby girl last month & would love to make her dolls! I'd be able to make a bunch for when she's ready to play with them!

  22. omg you weren't kidding - what a hard choice! I'd pick pinky the lamb. Love the look of the soft wooly ears :) I've only crocheted a chain, but I am signed up for a beginners class Yay! motivation!

  23. I love the dolls summer and Amy. Would have to get my girls to help me pick if I won.

  24. monkey brother and sister are so cute!!

  25. I love love love love the little frog or Milo the teddy bear. The monkey brother and sister are also adorable!

  26. I'd love the Teddy Bear pattern. He was the first one I saw, such a happy little guy!

    Good luck everyone!


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