
for the kid with a small attention span....

Remember my felt mats? (If the answer is no...or you need a refresher course...click HERE)

I think these would make the most awesomest gifts! They are so fun to make...and you can make them so personable...
I made one for my nephew (months ago I might add)
but I made this one special....

Travel size (aka church size!!!)
Do you see his intials...I'll give you a hint.. M.C. Okay (that was more than a hint...)

he has 2 brothers and they all start with M...so I gave each a garage.

The road he lives on is ruler ave...so I had to make a ruler.....

I included all of his favorite things...
especially spongebob and elmo!

These things are so addicting to make....and this one probably cost $3.

so get out your glue gun and buy some felt...cause this will keep your kid entertained on the go!!!


  1. you are so cute!!! i know my girls would love this for church!


  2. Those are so fun! I've been wanting to make a dinosaur land/play scape one for my son. I am just not very good at the drawing and designing part! I think he'd LOVE it though!

  3. These are awesome! I want to make one for my nephew for Christmas. Is everything attached with just hot glue? Does the felt stick well with hot glue? In the past I've had issues, so I didn't know if the pieces would peel off easily (especially when small children are playing with it).

  4. What a cute idea! I really loved your full-size ones, but I'm totally in love with the idea of a travel one! Once my little one gets just a little old this is totally on my "to-do" list. Thanks for sharing!

    I'd love for you to come link it up this weekend to Weekend Wander. Hope to see you on Friday!


  5. I LOVE these! Felt is so cheap and these would make great stocking stuffers. I really do need to make one of these! Now I just need to decide on a theme. Maybe Noah's Ark? :)


  6. Total awesomeness!!! My son would love this.

  7. Such a wonderful, practical, and personal gift! I love the jellyfish.

  8. Wow! I just love this idea!! You've done it wonderfully!


  9. You're so awesome, and must be so patient!!! Incredible work for sure!

  10. I love these! I bookmark them every time you post one! Someday I will try to make one for my nephew,, but he's too young right now.

  11. That is awesome! I would love for you to link up at my Strut Your Stuff Party!

  12. Thank you for sharing this cute idea! I am gonna have to make one for my little boy for Christmas!

  13. very fun! Thanks for linking up to Topsy Turvy Tuesday's.

  14. You are too good girl. I enjoy your felt crafts so much, I think they are super colorful, and pretty, and so stinking affordable. My favorite part, of course. Now how time consuming are they, REALLY?? It just looks like it takes forever, but so fun. Gosh I have been dying to make something like this for my sons cars.

    Thanks again, like alot for linking up to **Amaze me AUgust**, I am so excited to see you are back. :) Makes me happy@!!

    Thanks again,

    Bella :)

  15. Kimbo, i'm getting ready to tackle a car mat for my two little boys of Radiator Springs from Disney's "Cars". Thanks for adding to my inspiration.

  16. These mats are the coolest. I've considered making one but have hesitated due to all the stitching involved. GLUE GUN? Brilliant. Why couldn't I have thought of that?

  17. I MUST make one of these for my nephew. I'll probably make it roll up and have velcro signs and what not :D Thanks for the idea!

  18. just wondering what size your travel mat was? Such a great idea and with all the travelling...campingetc we do this would be perfect

  19. it's about 12 inches by 24 inches...but you really could make it any size!


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.