

Baby it's cold outside (are you singing along with will farrell and zooey deschamel? love you if you are)

 anyway...Today I'm making Hand warmers....
cause quite frankly,
I am from IDAHO.
and if you want to know what we have in Idaho besides potatoes is

and I hate it.
I lived in St. George and LOVED IT!

oh..off the subject.

We live about 200 yards from my daughters school. and we walk her to school. and freeze.
so cold at 8 in the morning.
so we made these little hand warmers to slip in our pockets and gloves to keep our extremities toasty warm.
(warmer in the glove)

They would be PERFECT to slip in your kids pockets when they go out to play in the snow.
no frostbite here.

(warmer in the pocket)

AND this is  a perfect project to use up your scrap fabric (cause we don't throw anything away!)

and super inexpensive. I think I did the math and it came out to like 35 cents a set (including rice)

We actually gave my daughters first grade class a pair for christmas last year.

and they are super easy to make

and I think it's time to get to the tutorial..

start with a rectangle (you have to go pretty small to fit in a glove (and they don't stay warm as long as the bigger ones) so just choose whatever size  suits your needs.

fold over and sew up two sides

notice the snipped corners (makes the corners nicer looking when you turn it right side out..

Fold the edge down inside

and fill with rice

I made my own funnel (my rice wouldn't fit through the store bought one)

fill ur up about 85%

 sew up the opening...and that's it.

sewed and secure and ready to be zapped in the microwave

now a word.

I have heard that rice bags can dry your microwave out and ruin it.  you are supposed to warm them with a glass of water...and these are small so they heat up fast...less than a minute!

and while you are making this little hand warmers...YOu might as well whip out a bigger one....everyone loves a rice bag. I sometimes warm mine up and put my feet on it. (my feet are ALWAYS cold)
You make them the same ways as the hand warmers just on a bigger scale.  I also sew up lines in the rice bag before I fill it up with rice.

 It makes the rice bag not so heavy...and you can angle it on a boo boo a little better!

just wrap a bow on it and give out. I always make a few extra for Christmas to give in case of emergency..you know if someone brings you something and you TOTALLY didn't plan on getting them ANYTHING! hate when that happens!

I'm throwing a few of these in my etsy shop in case anyone else is freezing too!


  1. Love the rice bags - Used them on my lower back and tummy during a natural child birth (don't think I would have made it without them:) - You can also keep a few in the freezer for owies that need cold!

  2. What a cute idea! My mom will love some of those- the family joke is that she gets cold unless it's 80 degrees haha she has big ones for her feet but she could use some little ones for her hands when she takes the dogs out. Thanks for the inspiration!

    and oh yeah, I LOOOOOOOOVE elf :)

  3. I love that movie! We watch it year round at our house. I love that my 6 year old quotes it. I didn't know about rice bags being bad for your microwave. That is how we warm our up. Dang.

  4. This is a great idea! I live in NW Washington state and enjoy walking for exercise. But my hands get sooooo cold, even with gloves on.

    I'll be making a pair today. Thank you!


  5. We are freezing in Montana now and from Idaho so i definitely know how you feel about cold. We have rice bags for boo boos but I had never thought to make itty bitty ones like these. I also have a fun one made from a toe sock! My son loves to put it around his neck. Its the perfect shape!

  6. i am totally making these for my kids! great idea!!!


  7. LOVE IT!!! I featured you on my blog!!! If you can stop by that would be awesome!


  8. This is such a great stocking stuffer and I just love any project that allows me to use up the scrap pile. And since I'm a mom of three boys, the owies abound. I'm off to whip up some rice bags! Thanks for the inspiration.


  9. wonderful idea for some stocking stuffers! I've heard that about the water in the microwave too but I admit I never do it, oops!

  10. What a great idea...and so easy. Thanks for the microwave tips too!

  11. I am LOLing because I just watched Elf yesterday - love that movie! "Smiling's my favorite!" Anyway, I reside in sunny Arizona for a reason: I hate being cold! I will definitely be attempting a few of these to keep myself warmer over the "winter". Thanks for sharing!

    Betsey at b.bar

  12. I think these are a great idea. Thanks for sharing. We will be featuring you on our blog ziggycrafts.blogspot.com I can't wait to get started on mine. My kids will love 'em!

  13. Those are easy peasy! I might try them(although I live in AZ where people might laugh at me if I told them I needed them, lol. I will link back if I post about them!

  14. You can cut the top of a 2 liter bottle off and tape the cut edge, then use it as a handy funnel.

  15. Great idea. I'm from Idaho too and it is cold.

  16. Hey I live in Idaho too, and I used to live in St. George for a few years (and visited relatives there multiple times a year usually). I try to keep myself from thinking about how nice the winters are there. My husband and I both have family down there now. We were thinking of visiting for Christmas, but don't think we will get to. Guess we better make some rice bags for our feet and hands :)

  17. Thank you for the great hand warmer idea!!
    Quick story: I'm a college student and right before finals, my mom gets together with a group of parents; they all bring contributions (mostly snacks) and the parents package it all up and send it to us, college students, as a "care package to get through finals". Well I showed this idea to my mom and she made a bunch and took them as her item. She said she was the hit of the party! :)
    I know these handwarmers will be perfect when walking to class. I can't wait to use mine!
    Now she says I have to come up with something even better for next year...not sure if I can top this.
    Thanks again for the idea!!


  18. I am having difficulty posting a link on my site to you. Do you have any pointers that I may have not tried?
    Thank you.

  19. @tiffiny...i'm not sure what you mean?! email me at kimbowest 21 @gmail and i will try to help you out!!!


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.