
it's audition time.

it's my most favoritest time of the year (I have used favoritest so much...and everytime I spell check it highlights...let's take a vote and see if it should be a word....raise your hand if you think favoritest should be a word...okay..that was 123 for and 2 against. Mr. WEbster..get on that.

It's audition time at SYTYC...which is always fun. I enjoyed a lot of entries...none SHOCKED ME into delight or made my jaw drop to the ground and my eyes pop out of my head like in the cartoons...
omigosh...you should have seen the images that popped up when I used jaw dropping...a wide variety of WEIRD!

anyways...Here is what stands out:
cute...i  think I love the backdrop the most....adorable!

I love bowling...but I think I love the color scheme the most.

I have two play tables...that would look ADORABLE with a redo..

who doesn't love a ruffled butt.....

an artist book...think this is so cute...

there were a lot of other things that were pretty great too.....

so go vote to make sure next season is AWESOME!

 Congrats and good luck  to Mandy (sugar bee) and Kojo Designs

and I'm still catching up on my glee

and who loved the episode with Gwyenth Paltrow?

so not fair that she looks like that AND CAN SING.

and who thinks gwyenth is the weirdest name...


gwyneth paltrow



yeah, that sounds way more normal.


  1. your first three shout-outs were the ones that stood out to me as well...loved that bowling set!

  2. LOOOOVED that episode of Glee!! The singing in the rain number was one of my all time favorites. Wait til you see the next one... it has my favorite number of all Glee in it!


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.