
I love packages!

I got my clear calendars from Oriental trading today! (right on time too cause I just got 3 orders of menu boards!)

and I just wanted to tell you...they are the real deal...the thickness and wording are spot on.

The only difference is that they are about a 1/4 inch smaller than the other ones....
which ain't no big deal...a little hot glue in the corners will make it work!

and if you have no idea what I'm talking about..click HERE

and to justify spending $7 in shipping and handling..
I order these turkey stickers
($1 for 12)
and a christmas bingo
($3 for 16 game boards)

so we will have a little something to do at our thanksgiving party!


  1. Now, Christmas Bingo! Count me in, that sounds like fun. Our family loves games on holidays.


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.