
where I get it from

so not to embarrass my mother....but I love her. I was pulling out my halloween decor and found this that she had made (her and my dad have a great system, she would trace a pattern, he would cut it out and she would paint it) anyways, she has passed along some of  her old decorations and I snagged this.....
she hand painted this...cute huh! I should also mention it's like 5 feet long and like 3 feet tall

and while I was setting up my outside...
remember these from my terra cotta pot fiasco?

super easy...just paint some stripes...I don't even think I used tape...


  1. Wow! Your mom was very artistic! I love the candy corn pot...it is adorable.


  2. You are very cute. I love the candy corn pot, too. Would look lovely by my front door...maybe one on each side...:)

  3. The pot is not painted in the correct order. White, orange then yellow :)

  4. I totally get my crafty side from my mom too! She says, "Oh you are just so creative. I don't know how you do it." Meanwhile, she is just as creative if not 10x more!

  5. Super cute! Hand-me-down crafts are the best, they have that little extra emotional value to them.

    @Amy-- my mom does the exact same thing!

  6. I like the cute pumpkin pot, too. I love candy corn...mmmm....

  7. I am cracking up at your replies to the "incorrect order" comment. For real! We are putting ourselves out there to share fun ideas, not to try and tell people we are perfect. Oh heavens!!! No nitpicking! : )

    Love the pot! : )


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.