
and a craft from the heart

ohhhh. I would so rather be silly. but every once in awhile I will show some true emotion!  I was cleaning out my desk and found this
It's a rejection letter. Love those. don't know why I kept it.

 So maybe I knew who to toilet paper.
 It was  a rejection letter to my husband.

Back story:  My husband was living 4 hours away....(it was soooo nice...okay just kidding...but I did get aLOT of crafting done!) He worked two weeks straight and then would commute home and stay a week.
we did it for over a year.
it was taxing
economy blah
tears. (mostly my husband....what can I say? it's hard to leave me!)
anyways. This job opening came up.
and we applied.
and out of a whole STACK of applications he was picked to take the test.

and out of the STACK of people who took the test
he was picked to interview.

we thought we had it in the bag
we were planning for him to come home...thinking how great it was going to be

rejection letter.

Now...to make a long story even longer......
he ended up coming home to do drywall (not his favorite thing) (about 4 months after said rejection) and this same company was hiring more people.
so we did the whole process again.
we did the pee test, the written test and the interview

another rejection letter
for reals you thought I was going to say we were hired right?


about a week after we got said rejection letter....the company called....
and hired him.
So, (yes, I'm wrapping it up)
It was a roller coaster.
He is home.
He is happy (i'm his wife...so OF COURSE he is happy!)
and he is working.

Now commuting sucked.
but (serious part) we grew so much as a couple and a family.
we appreciated each other more
He appreciated my cooking (2 weeks of cup of noodles will do that to a person)
We grew in the gospel (yes, we are SUPER RELIGIOUS--click HERE if you want to know more)
and we are happy to have gone through it (and definitely that it is over.) and I wanted a way to remember kinda all the drama we went through so when we complain....we can remember that we are together...and that is all that matters. whew...serious time is OVER

Okay, craft time.
took rejection letter
and a dollar store frame

and then take red vinyl

you can buy a 12 x12 piece at sierras for $2....and I know that sierras isn't everywhere and I'm sorry about that!

take said vinyl and put into cricut.
use this cartridge

cut out some meaningful words:
peel and stick.

I even wrapped it all pretty...which was really dumb of me cause he could care less....

but I just couldn't resist cause all these leaves were on my lawn and looking so colorful...

I just hot glued them to the paper...

without flash

and with flash

He said he LOVED it....but I also vacuumed out his truck that same day....he was thrilled about that...so...

edited to add:
i made some printables


  1. I love the reminder... his timing is perfect!

  2. Oooh I love that! Congratulations! Man if I only could have used this story in my lesson on patience 2 weeks ago in RS. ;)

    Congrats again.

  3. More importantly- can you send me some of those leaves?!?!?! We don't get leaves like that here in Phoenix, my students would LOVE them!!!

  4. Ok, so I am one of those horrible readers who only reads in RSS feeds, and never comments, but this post and those words "Faith in God includes faith in His timing" are seriously my new life motto, and I just wanted to let you know that, also, that is a kickin craft :D

  5. That is such a sweet and inspiring idea!

  6. Thanks for sharing your story with us.
    Heavenly Father time is perfect.
    Ana Brown

  7. That is a great reminder!
    200 Follower Giveaway in Progress

  8. That is a great reminder. Thanks you!

  9. This totally hit home with me. My hubby and I were just out of college, he had a good job, we had a baby at home and one on the way when the Army called. He had been activated and had to leave for training. Long story short...he was gone for a little more than 2 1/2 years for training, service overseas in S. Korea, and a year in Iraq. It was hard BUT we grew so much as individuals, respecting each other so much more and most importantly in our FAITH!!! Learned alot over that time and although it was not fun, it was worth it to our marriage. God has plans, even when we don't like them at the time, HE knows what we need when we need it!!!

  10. This is beautiful! Great idea!


  11. We've been in a similar situation. We just finally moved all together to a new home, new city etc...but we're all together again. We went through looking for a new job for over a year, with rejection letters galore. Faith includes knowing that it is in the Lord's timing, not ours. Now as we settle in, I am kind of excited to know why we were led here.

  12. LOVE IT!! Great job! (but you can come hide at my house anytime when you need a "break"!) ;)

  13. this is fabulous. I am going to steal that idear.

  14. I love this! and it is so true! everything is done in His time not ours, even when we think that we have it all planed, if it is not in His plan for us then it won't happen...thanks for sharing this!

  15. I know what it is like having the one you love gone for long periods of time. Out of the 9 years my hubby & I have been married, he's been gone with the Army for over 3 of them. It's rough & my crafting time is LIMITED! I love that you still kept that perspective & you kept crafting. :)

  16. What a great gift and a perfect reminder. I really needed it tonight. We actually went through a very similar situation with a job and it ended up working out for us the 3rd time as well. Its so wonderful to have the hubby home isn't it.

  17. Such a great story and I really great quote. I loved reading this post.


  18. Great Post!
    I love what you wrote in the frame!


  19. Thank you for the blessed reminder! And so thankful for you all for your own personal success story! jules

  20. YAY!!! I LOVE everything about this post!!!...the framed "craft", the answered prayer,the story, and you vacuumed the truck! ;) GREAT post!

    For reals. Should have saved our rejection letter!

  22. Oh my gosh I LOVE THIS! My husband and I went through a very similar experience. He commuted nearly 3 hours away and for 2 years. He would come home every weekend. It was the hardest time ever. But the growth that came from it couldn't have come any other way and now we are grateful for the experience and probably more grateful that it is over. That was about 5 yrs ago now and last year I took the book of maps he used to navigate the city he was working/loving in and made art with them. I aged the maps, tore them into pieces and covered a dress form with them. She sits in my studio and I see her everyday - she still makes mne cry - and I am so happy those maps no longer move my husband to far away places but serve as a reminder to what God can do with our hard times.

  23. I LOVE it! LOVE!! What a great message to remember! I have had several things over the years that could have gone in a frame like this - but I didn't keep them ;)

  24. Glad you posted this in your 2010 favorites list, or I would've never gotten to see it. Loving the idea of a reminder of a thing you learned from!

  25. I agree with Kassi...thanks for posting it today.

    We're going through that right now...I'm back on the streets looking for a job/career position (not THOSE streets!). We did the commuting thing (gag) for almost 2yrs. DH worked 4 hours from our house. Like you I got a lot done but it was really hard on him (he had to do the driving every week and in winter that highway can be a horror show).

    When my Silhoutte shows up today (my Christmas gift from said DH) I now have a project! I don't have a rejection letter from a company I actually really want to work for (if our church callings paid then I'm already working for the best boss ever)

    Thanks again...and Happy New Year!


  26. I love this! It made me think of my hubby's first year applying for Medical school. He was rejected and we were totally bummed but it turned out that his family's business really needed him. Like, they might have gone under if he hadn't been there to help out. Thank goodness! Now, if only I had kept the letter, dang it!

  27. That's the hardest thing for me to remember sometimes. My husband's current job requires him to travel A LOT. He's sometimes gone for weeks at a time (there's even been times where he's been gone for a whole month, home for 2 days then back on the road for another month), so I really do know how you feel. I hate it, so does he, but we both realize it won't be this way forever and something good has to come out of it in the end.

    Thanks for sharing your story and positive view. Your blog always brightens my day :)

  28. Thank you so much for sharing your story, I found you via Pinterest. We are too having to wait on the Lord's timing, I was made redundant in the summer and desparately need a job, my husband is unemployed too and we are in danger of losing our house. So, we are waiting on the Lord, but it is so hard. God bless you and your family.


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.