
more fall shoutouts!

Bugga Boo, mini, mr, and me
love these "fancy" mod podged pumpkins! i'm a lover of damask!

I'm a sucker for terra cotta!

and this one I found online at Joanns
and some more Joann Treasures:

              eighteen 25 is doing a whole spookatcular event...and as always IT'S AWESOME!

these are too cute!

she cut this web out of felt BY HAND! I just don't think I have the patience...but I love love love how it looks!

she made this out of a dollar store gum ball machine! I think it's so cute! my kids would def love it!

love these smashed wicked witch legs..so fun!

this art work is just amazing! love love love .

love this eyeball wreath!

love this chalkboard wall....

and love the halloween version of it!

she made these from a placemat that she just stuffed! brilliant I say!


  1. All of these are so cool. Thank you so much for the shout out.

  2. wow!

    nice to meet you! thanks for the shout out.
    all of these are fantastic links.

    have a super week!

  3. I love every single one of these projects.

  4. Thanks! I love stopping by your blog, I should comment more!

  5. Thank you! Your gooey eyeball wreath was pretty awesome too!

  6. I've recently become a big fan of craft blogs and yours is one of my fav's! Thanks for doing all the shout outs...it's a great way to find a lot of good ideas in one spot.

  7. Thank you so much for the shout out! I am tickled:)

  8. Lol the one from House of Smiths - she and I were friends and grew up together in NC. We were in the same ward and high school. Funny huh?

  9. thanks for helping spread the word about our spooktacular september!! love all the ideas you have shared here! especially that little bubble gum machine. :)

  10. I love that chalkboard wall :) Thanks for featuring my pillows- I'm glad you like them!
    It's an honor to be on your fabulous blog :)

  11. All right, the clock and eye ball wreath are calling my name. I need to visit the craft store asap!

  12. how to make the ghost milk jugs? candles? cut the backs out? i'd love to know!!


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