
dear anonymous

You really have nothing better to do than to leave me a comment telling me that the orange goes before the yellow?
I like my way better.
so there.


  1. omg i cant believe someone was so picky about the colors of candy corn so pathetic..

  2. Personally I always thought it was weird that it wasn't white, yellow, and then orange, because thats the way they naturally fall in my head. I like your way.

  3. I wonder what the candy corns with black/brown bottoms do to them? Who cares? Not me, cause they still taste the same. :)

  4. whatever, i like the way put down the colors, too:) happy monday her.

  5. Wow. Really!? They have nothing better to do that make comments like that??

    I love your way, too! ;)

  6. Ha! Your post made me laugh. Anonymous has been telling me to change my blog header for a few months now. I think it's why I haven't even considered changing it, and this comment just makes me want to go make all candy corn projects in the future 'your way,' I didn't know there was a candy corn police, but I kinda like the idea of breaking the law, now that I know there is one. :O)

  7. Oh man those "anonymous" comments...I figure if you don't have the guts to show me your actual name, then I give no heed to the comment!

  8. Wow, I didn't even notice, and I like your way better too!

  9. that's just rude!!
    btw, I made my son a candy corn costume last year...and the hat was the same pattern as your pot :)

  10. I would have never even realized. And neither does 99.9% of the world. You got up and did something other than criticize others so you win!

  11. ha ha ha ha ha!!!!! Guess what. I'm following you JUST BECAUSE OF THIS POST! :) It just made me laugh. That Anonymous person is so annoying. She left a comment for me and told me I spelled wreath wrong. So sue me. :)
    I love your pot by the way. It's adorable.

  12. - ah, I love seeing posts like this!

  13. You tell them girl!!! I like your way better too!!

  14. This reminds me of another anonymous comment I read that irritated thee crap out of me: a blogger posts pictures of a just completed new baby nursery-- it was gorgeous. Beautiful pictures (she's a pro photographer), beautiful room. And someone leaves this comment about her monogram "S" on the wall.

    "Just so you know that "S" is upside down."

    That just annoys the crap out of me.

  15. I just think it looks yummy all the same!

  16. I didn't even notice - wonder if its like the words that are misspelled but the first and last letters and everyone reads them correctly. Seems to me that there are more important things to worry abt and maybe this is your form of self expression - keep coloring outside the lines!!!

  17. Wow . . . first, of all, who cares whether your candy corn is yellow, black and purple or red, teal and periwinkle . . . give me a break. Second of all, even if someone does actually care what color you choose to paint your own project, why on God's green earth would they feel the need to share it with you? So dumb!

  18. I like it your way...that's all that matters! :)

  19. That is just sad... Your way looks great!

  20. The candy corn nazi arrived... no candy corn for you! One year! Ha!


  21. Thank goodness someone pointed out your mistake or I would never have known you painted your pot "wrong!" lol Seriously, I have no idea what order the colors go in but I adore your pot and knew immediately that it represented a piece of candy corn. I can't wait to do some of my own.

  22. ok i am new to the whole blogging world and last week i posted a project i made too with a candy corn and i gotta tell you before i posted the pictures i noticed (well a friend noticed) i had my colors wrong too! i also did orange, yellow then white..i fixed my candy corn but i still think its crazy that yellow is before orange!! in the rainbow its red, ORANGE then YELLOW!!! i like it better orange then yellow and your pot is so adorable!!

  23. Gotta love those anonymous comments! I got one the other day telling me I had mis-spelled a word! LOL.

  24. Hahahaha I didn't even notice! :)

  25. LoL! I always get the colors mixed up too! I try to find a picture or something of one before I start my projects but figure what they hay! They'll get the idea :)


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.