
laughing as I type this.....

I was worried about my last post. I didn't want to sound like a crotchy old woman just because someone left me critical comment.....but I am loving the responses! I have to admit..I ran over to a few linky parties and looked through to see if I could find any other candy corn done the same way.. (no such luck!) Just wanted some added support from some poor screw up that doesn't know how to paint a candy corn properly.....

I just never understand comments like that...I mean it's a little time consuming to leave a comment...and do you think I'm going to run outside, dump out my dirt and repaint it? I think not. I usually stick with my mom's motto....if you don't got nothing nice to say (err type) don't say anything at all.

You know, maybe since Simon quit American Idol he is in need of something to do...and maybe he found his knack in craft blogs.

Dear Simon,
I hope I haven't enraged you....
cause I WILL make mistakes in the future.
But I don't need to be informed of them.
love, agaagg
P.S. I think American Idol will never be the same without you.
PPS. You are not david hasselhoff...you need to do up about two more buttons.
P.P.S.S And wax.


  1. I actually had NO IDEA it didn't go orange, yellow, white. You have BLOWN my mind!!! Crazy! No but seriously, it's yellow, orange, white. That's just strange. Don't like it. Nope.

    Thumbs up to your PSes by the way!

  2. lol i love your honesty!:) i hate when people are critical is annoying! you are doing great i enjoy each one of your new post! dont worry about the "simons" out there just keep doing what you do cause we love it:)


  3. ha ha ha! Button up, Simon!

    Booo to the critics! We're here to have fun.

  4. Good call with Simon. He does need to button up. lol.

  5. Yeah, I totally make my candy corn white-yellow-orange. It seems a more natural progression to me! I wasn't sure about posting a little box I made because I did it The K Way, instead, but now I must!

  6. This is so funny because I just painted some wooden candy corn in your same order. That's the way I like it then I have noticed lots of things with the orange in the middle & I actually bought some candy corn today & thought, hmmm, I guess I was wrong. But, I'm gonna post mine tomorrow & now, I know there is someone else who thinks like me. I just hope noone tries to correct me!

  7. Haha! I laughed so hard! I agree with the wax idea.

  8. Your post made me laugh! I didn't have anyone comment on mine but I have two candy corn projects I posted that I painted the same way you did. And since you were looking for photos: http://sparetimesanity.blogspot.com/2009/10/halloween-projects.html

  9. Even David Hasselhoff shouldn't wear his shirt like that. Shame on you Simon.

    You cracked me up :)

  10. I had to go back and look at the photo, yes he needs to button it up. Not a good look at all.

  11. oh i have gotten rotten comments too. i hate it. seriously, don't people have better things to comment on.

    FIY. i love your DIY project!

    I LOVE candy corn!

  12. I like you display.
    who cares if the orange and yellow is surposed to be number 2 and 3 or is that 1 and 2...
    I like it better in the propper color scale. (yellow, orange, red, purple, blue, green, brown)
    The artist redefindes the world - that is artistic freedom.

  13. LOL I get the occasional nasty anonymous comment too. At first it pisses me off and makes me want to lash out, but instead I approve the comment and then rise above them by answering nicely etc. However, if they are out and out mean spirited I just get rid of it.

    My theory is that the people who leave those comments, especially anonymously, are either just having a bad day, have an overall bad life, or they just feel a lot braver because they aren't putting their name to it.


  14. did you see sytyc???? one of the entries has it backwards too!!! you're not alone! :)

  15. HILARIOUSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! "do up about two more buttons" hahahahahaha I love it

  16. hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahah!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    PS snort, snort, tear....hahaahahahahahahahahah!!!!

  17. I took off the ability for others to respond anonymously to me and voila--haven't received a nasty comment since. Some cheeky comments, but not mean. I highly recommend it!

  18. At least we know what Simon is doing in his spare time! (and he isn't wasting time buttoning up his shirt like he should)

    Love your blog--did you know that Super Glue isn't a good substitute for a glue gun? I have two glue guns and can't find either! yet.



Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.