
Time Saver

I love when I find things that make my life easier. LOVE LOVE LOVE

I was originally going to make little monsters on cards..(loving little monsters ....little monsters and eyeballs) which would have entailed pulling out all my scrapbook stuff.....and figuring out how many eyeballs I wanted one monster to have....cutting it all out...gluing it all on ....

you can go to the scrapbook store.
and buy this for ONE DOLLAR.
 and take scissors
cut apart...

hole punch.

add ribbon

and attach.

Yup....much easier.

okay...so I feel a little guilty about just HOW easy it was...

so I will complicate it some more

took a bag from the dollar store
stuck some candy corn in the fingers.

added the best caramel corn popcorn (non-sticky kind)*

added a ribbon

and a tag from up above.

*non-sticky caramel corn
(it's baked!....and awesome)

2 cubes (sticks) butter (one cup)
2 cups brown sugar (so healthy...or not)
1/2 cup karo syrup

Heat on the stove in saucepan until boiling...boil for 5 minutes.
Take off stove and add
1/2 tsp baking soda
1 tsp vanilla

stir until all mixed.
pour over bowl of popcorn (about two bags)

stir until popcorn is well coated.
Spread out over cookie sheet.

cook at 250 degrees for 15 mins
take out and stir
back in 15 min
take out and stir
back in 15 min
take out and stir
back in 15 min
take out and stir and pour into bowl
let cool

oh, don't eat it all...fill up your gloves first!!!!

(we are huge popcorn people...so we actually use the westbend popcorn popper....

and if westbend is reading..we love it....and ours is REALLY old...and could use a replacement.
just saying....


  1. I love these ideas. And the recipe looks yummy. Questions - what are cubes of butter? I really want to make this, my hubby was just talking about homemade caramel corn the other day.

    I love the monster cards and those skeleton hand bags!

  2. Dollar stores rock. Why spend all that time when someone else already did? More time to make treats...:)

  3. That piece of paper is adorable! I must have it! Was that BoBunny? Wow-I used to work at a scrapbook store and I always hated BoBunny's paper...this had changed my mind! Who says cheaters never win? :)

  4. You are entirely too gifted, my dear! We have a popcorn popper in which you must stand over the stove turning the handle until it's all popped....a twirly whirl, I believe. Talk about inconvenient! I so would like to get me what you have....gonna be on the lookout for those. These Halloween treats you made are sto stinkin' cute!

  5. SUPER cute! I love the monster tags!

  6. You should totally try popcorn this way... We double bag and it works! You will need a spray butter to make salt/powdered flavorings stick though, it's just kernels so plain is really dry. http://lifehacker.com/5607024/make-microwave-popcorn-using-a-simple-brown-paper-bag?utm_source=feedburner&utm_medium=feed&utm_campaign=Feed%3A+lifehacker%2Ffull+%28Lifehacker%29

  7. Love the way you used that paper--so clever and cute!

  8. That scrapbook paper is awesome! How cute would it be to make a monsters matching game with them?


  9. Oh these are awesome! Please stop by Dragonfly Designs sometime and link up! Thanks for sharing!

  10. I love caramel popcorn but that's a lot of stirring! :-) I use a similar recipe {twice the karo} but just pour it over the popcorn and eat it. All sticky and gooey and delicious! Especially when warm! I've never heard of that popper though. I might have to check that out.

  11. Love ideas that are uncomplicated! Thanks!!

  12. I bought all of this line of paper! I love it!! I just think monsters are too cute! I used it to decorate a little chipboard house and I put the little monster kids inside the windows.

  13. Love the tags and your caramel corn looks so good!!!

  14. Love your little treats and their tags

  15. that's my caramel popcorn recipe too. And it is the best!


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.