

so, I don't know why I feel the need to comment on each week of SYTYC. I don't know who crowned me judge or commentator or whatever. But I can't help myself. I'm addicted to it. I get so excited to see what the theme is and what people's interpretation of it is!

so this week is Recycled.

and I'm not trying to pull a simon here (remember the hairy chest picture?) but have to say I was a little underwhelmed. In the past when SYTYC has done recycled I have flipped out.
past SYTYC I loved...

My top this week:

I really liked the paper rosettes...but I have seen them before....and the clothespin bracelets were a neat idea.....Okay, so hopefully no one is offended. really...I don't want to be the Simon. More like Paula...(maybe a little less spacey).


  1. I love the commentary each week! You are always very truthful and spot on.

  2. I love the commentary each week too! My goal is to make your list!! And those hats from last season were unbelievable - I still refer to them - -

  3. I agree, the previous entries are quite stunning.

  4. I completely agree. I was disappointed with this week's entries. Hoping next week will be better! Oh, and you're not being a Simon at all!

  5. I love your commentary. That pram pretty much rocks. I voted for it. :)


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.