
eyeball jewelry.

yeah, I know. I've been a little obsessed.
I just like them.
(I'm talking about eyeballs in case you have no idea what I was talking about....I'm obsessed with a lot of things...glue guns, my cricut, sweets, my husband, my electric blanket....but THIS time I was talking about eyeballs)

and I'm going to show you how to make them step by step.....

but not here.

You've got to go HERE!
 I know...I'm tricky!


  1. super cool! :) I like the necklace :P

  2. I love this soo cute and right up my alley of something on the fun side of creepy for halloween.

    I totally stole the idea for a smaller verson with beads and a clasp.

  3. Now that is very clever! Enjoyed looking at your blog, Thanks for sharing and have a lovely weekend.


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.