
Extend the life of your onesies...

this is for all you mommas out there....

I have this daughter who likes to be naked....a lot! (this is where i would post a picture but someday she will be old enough to be embarrassed and will hate me for it...but trust me, I have a whole slew of naked pictures!)

oh..look i found a not so naked one:

notice the diaper...and notice that she doesn't have a sheet on her bed from her other previous diaper free night.....

But for some reason...the onesie is a bit of a deterrent. (I mean she can unsnap them...and get naked....but not nearly as often as normal
Yeah, we have to do the straight jacket pj's on backwards kinda thing....

anyways, we wear onesies alot. and we are getting the age that they don't make onesies any more. (I just had a flashback of me in 7th grade with a flower "bodysuit". pretty much the same thing.

So, I have these onesies. and I would like to keep wearing them...but this happens:

a onesie wedge. Love it.

So I made a little onesie extender....to help those onesies last a little longer.

I always buy them in a set...this one was purchased at target......

and one (okay all) gets stained. So I Just pick out the dirtiest one.

and snip the bottom off.

okay. you could totally just serge the bottom and turns them into t-shirts...but remember the nakedness....we need some snaps.

oh look...snaps.

cut them off.

Took some fabric...(you could use the onesie you just cut the snaps off of...but I have a hard time sewing knits......too stretchy for me. (I can do it. but I have to pin and take my time.)

Cut Rectangle

and folded it in half right sides together and sew up to sides

turn it out right and stitch all the way around

now look, I actually pinned. pat on the back.

the snaps have to go on each side......

I stitched them on with embroidery floss...ONE of my newest loves of my life.

oh. so cute.

just snap on....and go.

we had a little fasicanation with it.....

I know it looks like a big square pink thing..but if the daughter would have just let it shift naturally...you can't really see it...how do I put this politely...um more in the crotch area?

okay....enough....look at the camera....

Today is the last day to enter my glow in the dark glue stick giveaway!!!! Click HERE


  1. Isn't desperation the mother of invention? Great idea...love the "straitjacket". My youngest (a daughter-(why is it the girls who love to be naked?) was a stripper also--at a family reunion a little boy (@4yrs old) came up to me and said "I don't know if we're related but your little girl is naked" . She was 20mos. and walking around the public picnic area naked as a jaybird! Thankfully there weren't any 'funny uncles' around. (she really wasn't far from me, and we keep an eye on each other's kids). She's 21 now and loves the story!

  2. This is great....wish I had thought of this years ago. But we are out of onesies now!

  3. Lol....My daughter has just started this! 3am wakings to a naked baby girl cold and all her blankets we...not fun. I LOVE the idea of putting the sleeper on backwards. I gotta try that! I resorted to duct taping the diaper. lol...I just posted a picture on my blog yesterday about it too! LOVE your idea on extending onsies! I've seen them, but love your 'recycling' idea.

  4. Very cool idea. My son wears cloth diapers so I just put them on him backwards, he hasn't yet figured out how to get the snaps off when they are on his back, I'm sure there will come a day, then I'll have to do this.

  5. You did a great job. For the non-crafty people, you can buy boring ones. http://www.onestepahead.com/catalog/product.jsp?productId=484759

    I worked at a daycare and the parent bought the extenders because they had a tall kid.

    I like the colorfulness of yours.

  6. Love this idea! I have a very long 10 week old, I will be trying this, thanks!

  7. love it!! and the backwards pjs!!! mothers have to get creative and hey whatever works goes!

  8. Will you be selling these?! I can't sew for the life of me and I NEED one of these! lol I have a giant daughter and her onesies just don't fit in the "crotch area". LOL

  9. Ok, you must have an almost 2 year old girl too :) In the last 7 nights - mine has ended up naked 3 times. Crazy girls! Love the idea.

  10. It's not just the girls, boys love to be naked too!! :)Our son loves to be naked, he runs and jumps and is veeery happy! :))But hey, it's totally normal! Some adults like it too! :D And when you're potty training your kid it's great to be without diaper and pants! Then they notice it better when it's time to go.. at least usually.. ;)


  11. I love it! I wish I had these when my kids were wearing them! I have had many, many mornings walking into a room with poop on the walls and bedding, while my little lovely is standing there grinning with poop in their hair! This is a great idea, you are so creative!!!

  12. Great idea! Onesies get hard to find in sizes that fit older kids, and sometimes these are a necessity for larger kids with disabilities. I hope you don't mind me sharing a link to this on my blog...there is a whole group of families who will be ever-so-grateful for this tutorial! Thanks for posting it!


  13. Great idea.. ps at Walmart last night I saw 3t onsesies if you haven't already outgrown them

  14. Brilliant!!! I linked to your tutorial over at Craft Gossip Sewing:


  15. Love this idea! I was going to buy the premade ones, but makes much more sense to use a onesie of the same brand you want an extender for and know the snaps will be compatible. I'm off to cut up some onesies and get started. Thanks!

  16. I hate onesies. They are so cute. But I don't like to bother buttoning them up. So my kids looked/look like they are wearing a penguin tail tux

  17. Straight Jacket footie PJ's. You are a genius!!

  18. You crack me up. i love this post. so ... real! good for you, mom! you're doing it, and you're doing a great job.... or at least, so it appears

    Happy all saints day...
    (may one day they find out about you too ;-)

  19. we did the pj's backwards thing too. worked like a charm. works even better with footless pjs.

    if my boys are anything to go by she'll figure out those snaps in no time, but the backwards pjs were never figured out (i mean HOW would they???)

    also - you can put diapers on backwards :) not easy to put on, but they can't get those off either.

  20. This is such a smart idea. My little one has the same problem. The backwards pjs crack me up. we had to do that with one of our girls.

  21. Aaargghhh! I've cut off the bottoms of three of my daughter's onesies in the last few weeks to make undershirts (still a little short but at least useable). Part of me wanted to keep the leftover snap bits, but I couldn't figure out what in the world I would do with them, and I made myself just throw them away. Found your tute while searching for extenders to buy. Oh well....lesson learned!

  22. I was just thinking of this same idea this morning as I noticed that K's cute long-sleeve onesies are getting tight. I love your ingeniousness!

    =) Gayle

  23. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you! I cannot thank you enough for this tutorial. My daughter is tall and I am so grateful I now know how to make them myself.


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.