
angel food cake

I made a cake according to directions

and added some bugs

My mom did this for my brother's birthday...except for she used a bunch of little ants...all climbing and looking like they ate the cake...it was the cutest (okay, not cute...) coolest thing ever.

and I took it to my sister's halloween party...where she made
Breadsticks Bones

a graveyard snack...

pizza mummys

and goblin fingers.

(she said they were all courtesy of Family Fun)

I was ugly. no doubt about it....seriously gross.

(my 7 year old daughter told me not to dress up like that again.)
(look close...i'm wearing my eyeball bracelet!)

remember this dress from zipper week? I added a strip of fabric to the bottom...


  1. LOVE everything! The angel food cake is too cute and I love the graveyards!

  2. SOOOO fun! You are one cool and creepy mom! ;)

  3. Looks like lots of fun!
    I'm your newest follower from the BH. Stop by sometime for great recipes & baking tips!
    my sister blog with crafts & fun!
    Have a nice day,

  4. ewww that cake CREEPS me out! great job!

  5. If you would ever like new recipes or would like to be featured than please come on over to our blog and please check us out! We also have a give away going on right now and a apron going up tomorrow!! yah. thanks for letting me stop by your blog.


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