
and the winner is.....

oh. suspenseful.

(yes, ghetto camera phone shot...I'm in a hurry...I have to go help the kids paint pumpkins!)

and number 20 is.....

mandy said...

what wouldn't i make!?! first i'm thinking some kind of Christmas tree ornaments

OH...groan!!! sorry we all can't win! but congrats to Mandy (send me your address at kimbowest21@gmail.com)

and can I tell you all a HUMUNGO THANKS! You guys came up with some freaking great ideas! for REALS! Some of my favorites were......

Outlining the toilet seat so when kids (or {ahem} husbands) get up to do their business in the night, NO MORE MISSING!

and I loved the ideas of outling the light switch covers for an easy find  in the dark...

One mom's little boy is going as iron man (mine too) and she's going to outline the center to make it glow (cause if you were going to buy one....it's like twenty bucks!)

another favorite is outlining all their christmas ornaments (and candy canes) so when you turn off your christmas lights, it will still glow....

but my all time favorite is:

Jhenna said...

This may sound silly but, I would make some glow in the dark big foot, foot prints. That way when my boys wake up in the middle of the night they can always find there way to the bathroom or kitchen. Then in the morning I could just pick them up and put them away until again later that evening. (Got the idea from our local park, my son found foot prints on our nature walk and hasn't stopped talking about them since then!) Thank you for the chance to win :)

and I'm going to send Jhenna a bag of glue sticks too...just because this is GENIUS!!!!

so Jhenna, email your address too!

Thanks to ADTECH for the glue sticks...and if you didn't win..go and pick yourself up some at:

Michaels, JoAnn's, Notions, Darice, and Walmart Canada. (why is Walmart Canada better than Walmart USA!?)

I'm off to make some glow in the dark snowflakes! (cause i'm sure it will snow soon!)

1 comment:

  1. Oh, you had me excited there for a minute - - but then I counted, I'm Mandy comment #18, not Mandy comment #20 - - congrats to her! and glow-in-the-dark footprints - that's a great one!


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.