
zipper embellisment

On my many trips to walmart....I found this tank top for $1. really. I couldn't just pass that up. I don't even wear tank tops but I thought I could adjust it to fit my daughter.
bought a big heavy duty zipper that was 24 in long. ($2.50 I might add)

played around with it to figure out what I wanted to do.
a Belt?

a zip right up the front?

a little y shaped?

or just a bow corsage?

which one did I pick?

which one would you have picked?
(I might go back and get a BIGGER zipper and make myself a belt! why do I say that? I should just let you believe I have a 24 inch waist....cause I do..or did...once....in middle school.)

pin pin pin.
and sew sew sew.
Then I trimmed off some of the  straps
and put it in the opening of the "y"
I also put a dob of hot glue right uder the zipper..to keep it from slidding down

You could have sewn it...but I didn't want to risk breaking a needle on those metal teeth.
just added a little something something
a little more Rock and Roll
(look at her mouth...she is so whining about modeling--I told her that people get paid big money to model and she asked me how much I was going to give her.  Greedy already. Isn't my constant love enough?)
we just happened to have a matching guitar
I might have been singing the Donny and Maria Osmond song, "I'm a little bit country, I'm a little bit rock and roll" when I made this.....couldn't get it out of my head!


  1. for serious? what can't you do. i can do this! haha thanks!

  2. super cute! she rocks that zipper shirt!


  3. The guitar rock photos made me smile - very fun way to glam up the tank.

  4. SO cute! It totally gives it spunk! Great job!

  5. It turned out really cute. I would not have come up with that!

  6. Love this idea! Those giant zippers are great! Thank you for linking up to the shirt party!


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.