
zipper bracelet

Bought myself a zipper
Cut off the black along the zipper

measured it around my wrist and cut (make sure to leave a little excess..you don't want it super tight.)
I added a little thing from another necklace...and I moved the zipper pull down to where it fit my wrist and cut off the excess
I took a match and burned (very carefully) the edges of the zipper to prevent any fraying.
Then I took some gorilla glue
I shot a dab of the super glue at the top...and right below the zipper to prevent it from coming off.

Then I added a clasp and then gave that a dob of super glue

If you didn't cut off the outside edges of the zipper..you would end up with more of a band....still cool...

okay...so my arm looks so gross....I have always thought my body was proportionate....(well not in the chest area---but that's a topic for another day) but for some reason...my hand looks enormous while my arm looks like skeleton. I am going to blame it on the angle of the camera okay? sounds good with you?

just another creation brought to you by


Click HERE to see other zipper ideas.....


  1. Great way of handling the clasp - that was the hardest part to figure out when I made mine back at the beginning of the year.

  2. Wow, that's really cool. I love zippers!

  3. That looks great! I love zippers as accessories and jewelry and adding that little charm really helped to finish it. :)

  4. so chic! i would totally love to rock a bracelet like this!


  5. How fun is that????

    ~Lori @ Paisley Passions
    Join my Linky Party Thrilling Thursdays

  6. What a very clever idea! I love it!
    Can you help me out? I am in a contest because of a recent post that I did on my weight loss. There is a contest on Face Book and I need you to vote! I am so close and I don't want the other guy to win! Just click on the link below and like that page (up at the top) then in the left hand column find my picture( I’m the one in the black bathing suit) under photo's 4 of 14 click(SEE All) and leave a comment under my picture! Thanks!!
    You might have to copy and paste it into your browser

  7. Very cute!
    You should come link this up at my Making It With Allie Party!


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.