
zip the lip.

I say that often. Zip it. I got a whole bag of zip. zip zip zip. but the reason you are here is not for some EXCELLENT Parenting advice. but for crafts. and today is zippers. I thought I would jump on the zipper train and do some zipper crafts. Come and ride the train...and ride it..wooo hooo. (that song brings me back to high school.)

so introducing ANOTHER themed week

zip it week.

I used some 50% off coupons and scored myself some zippers.....It took me forever to decide...so many colors and the teeth can me gold or silver and invisible and long and short. there are some mean choices out there!
ended up with two red zippers.
took off the pull (save them for later)

I first made a bow.
cut about 6inches (or however big you want you bow)
hot glued the ends together

to make a loop

put a dab of hot glue in the middle to make an 8.
When I had 3 of them done I glued them on top of each other.

(much the same way when I made these flowers)

Then I took a piece of zipper (just one side) and rolled it up for the center of my flower/bow

put a pin on the back (with hot glue)

(look at the hot glue...looks cool huh!)

(okay...long story---So I might have set my air conditioner propped up on my windowsill...waiting for my husband to come and secure it to the window....and then It might have gotten hot and the air conditioner got turned on. and I MIGHT have forgotten that it drips water. and it MIGHT have dripped water down my wall and ruined the drywall. (don't worry...my husband was a drywaller for 20 years) So my husband found the ruined wall...and by my ruined wall was this flower bow. and in my husband efforts to clean up he threw it out  with the damaged drywall. (that is the nice version) I was not home at the time--and he claims he didn't throw it out. but a red zipper bow doesn't get up and walk away. I think he was maybe a tiny bit upset about the drywall...and threw it away cause it was my crap oh, I mean my craft. whatever...)

So I made a new one.

switched it up a little bit

added a pin
Looks great on a tank top that I painted on

or to keep the straps tight

 or on a hat
notice the vacuum. I think that is the 10th post I have done with a vacuum in the shot.

now. I had some zipper left over. and THOU SHALT NOT WASTE!
(It's a glue gun commandment.)
So I made one more "8"

and took a piece of zipper (just one side.) and then I overlapped the non zipper side to the non zipper side. (hot gluing it together.)
so the edges of the strip are both zipper. I used this as my center to my bow.
I slid a headband in the back of the bow and added some ric rac

okay...now look closely. do you see the zipper pulls? I turned them into earrings.
bought a package of these (maybe $1)

and hot glued it to the pull

I thought it need a little something extra....I didn't want anything too fancy since there for my 7 year old.

found a couple of brads

Stuck them in the hole at the bottom
I bent the arms of the brad up and hot glued it to the back of the zipper pull.

so. For $2.50 I embellished a tank top, prettified a headband and made some earrings. Not to shabby.

Stay tuned for more ZIPPER  goodness.


  1. I scored a huge bag of zippers at the thrift store for $4. I'll be checking back EVERY day for some good ideas to use them up:)

  2. Cute ideas! LOVE those earrings!
    ~Susan @ Living with Punks

  3. Fantastic ideas... and I love the vaccum shot! :)

  4. Very cute. Your daughter really has that spunky pretty thing going.

  5. I totally love, love, love your blog and how talented you are...so I just gave you an award, please go check it out


  6. Wow, who woulda thunk all that could be done with some zipper parts. Your daughter must be the coolest chick in school!


  7. Love the flowers, and LOVE those darling earrings!!

  8. That's it, now I need zippers, lol. I have a 7 year old too, and I bet she'd love the earrings. Thanks for sharing!

    BTW, I followed your link from Tutorial Tuesday at Hope Studios :)

  9. Parabéns excelente idéia!!! Lindos os brincos e a flor de zíper

  10. Darn. I was totally hoping for the excellent parenting advice. I really like the earrings though so I guess we're cool. ;)

  11. Love love love it!

  12. Since I can't sew for anything, this is the only place I could put a zipper - my ear lobes!

  13. Love zipper crafts! Thanks for linking up to Topsy Turvy Tuesday's!


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.