
on a completely unrelated to anything note--

what is all the halloween stuff doing out? holy sheez. I'm still in summer thank you very much. quit rushing me. (yes, they are cute...but they will still be cute in October)


  1. TOTALLY AGREE! I have like 10 birthdays to worry about before I even LOOK at Halloween stuff.

  2. It's so hot here, I'm trying to hurry fall along! And I'm all kinds of excited for Halloween! But I do agree that it is a little early for it all, whether I want it to be October or not.

  3. Agreed. I love fall... but I don't need to rush into it (heck, I just put out summer decor last month).

  4. lol. I do agree.
    I'm trying to get ready for a big Halloween Party guest post, and it has to be in by September 8th! Eek! Let's just say that I got that weird stink eye from my hubby when I hauled a bunch of Halloween stuff up from downstairs, last night. LOL.

  5. AMEN! I love me some summer. Fall's nice. But it means Winter is on it's way, and I just cannot bare that. I'm fine to wait a bit!!


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