
let's chat about my most favoritest thing in the world.....

any guesses? sharpies? flowers? chocolate? promises i don't intend to keep?

okay. it's PINTEREST. (follow me here)

unless hot karl is reading this...then the law requires me to say him.

but it's PINTEREST!
i love you pinterest. i really really do.

and then i go and get hacked? what the? you know this ain't mine cause i would have said this job is crap. or i love my crappy job....

i posted this on facebook and so many people commented on it happening to them--you got to go in and change you password to make sure it doesn't keep happening...

and coincidently around the same time i noticed my great crappy thoughts pin board was missing...
anything but that. not one of my precious boards. here..take my first born...

just bring back my board

second: let's talk secret pin boards...i loved the idea...
but now i'm so nosy...it bothers me to know that you guys have secret pin boards and i can't see them....

do you wonder what my boards are? i'll tell you this much..i have two..and neither are called crap...intrigued? good.

third: ....i'm obsessed with group pin boards. (nosy factor again) i want to start one with all my young woman counselors ---we have one with my sisters---i'm in a couple cool group ones for mason jars and handmade shops.....

and i started a new one....
i added a few family and friends that i trust and have awesome pin boards of yummy food...

this one came out of necessity....3 pinterest recipes that husband hated....ENOUGH IS ENOUGH!!!! i need tried and true recipes. cause really..i can make some nasty food that still looks good...photograph it all pretty. pin it and tell everyone how yummy and amazing and my kids asked for seconds and it was literally the best thing i've ever had. 
and fools would pin the crap out of that.
not having a clue that it really tastes like barf.

so i wanted some GOOD recipes.
ones that didn't give me a stink eye from my husband like...really? really kim? you talk about pinterest all day and then pinterest produces this? i'm canceling your membership.

(okay. men think like this....ugh. not good. still eat.)

anyways...If you have a MOST favoritest food pin--that you have tried...and LOVED...leave me a link and i'll add it!

AND....if i haven't talked pinterest enough....i've been reorganizing my boards...cause i'm anal....i hate double pins..or pins not in the right place..or boards to big (i branch them off into sub groups if that happens..) what i'm slowly getting at is...it's way easier to edit your boards on your iphone.....instead of redirecting you to the new board..it lets you stay on the board you were editing. just a little tidbit....

alright...remember to go through blogland leaving comment love (please...remember...i'm not doing this drum up comments....just want you to make some bloggers feel special......)

A girl and a glue gun


  1. OMG that same thing with the same board title happened to me, except my crockpot recipe board went MIA. I was so angry I cried. Sometimes being a girl is so dumb.

    I always wonder what ppls secret boards are!

  2. I'm still in that sweet spot of denial at being addicted to pinterest. I have it, I'm on it far too often in the day but I can still justify it. :)

  3. Even before you said you were making a new holiday, I planned on commenting today as its my bday! I sure appreciate all your work at maintaining this blog. I really like the shout outs and can't wait to put together a science experiment kit for my boy! Happy Tuesday!

  4. Yeah, I can't get enough of Pinterest! Anywho, commenting since you asked for it ;) but anyway, I may not always comment on your posts but I do read every single one of them!! Thanks for what you do to keep us all entertained! :)

  5. Comment #5. That must mean you're awesome! I love me some Pinterest. @corduroydreams.

  6. I thought I was the only OCD nut job about my pinterest boards. It bugs me to no end Pinterest still has not come up with a way to re-arrange the order of pins on a board. If you can re-arrange boards, you should be able to re-arrange pins. Sometimes I am tempted to start a new board, edit the pins on the old board to be on the new board, in the order I want them (I don't want to repin my own pins) but I can't go down that road of craziness. So instead I subdivide boards because I don't like boards with 600 pins on them. I get bored easily and figure those pins aren't very well curated anyway.

    As for recipes, I have a board dedicated to ones I've tried and loved. If we don't love it, it doesn't make it. I now have a subdivided one for desserts (a separate one for Christmas cookies) and a breakfast one. But this is the main You Should Make This board: http://pinterest.com/jenniferfritzen/you-should-make-this/

  7. How do you know if it's time to reorganize your pinterest?

  8. Is really leave a comment day? I think you made that up. I'm leaving a comment anyway. And what is this "people hacking pinterest and deleteing boards" deal? I don't think I could handle it if one of my boards vanishs. YIKES! A really really great recipe I've tried off pinterest isn't really food. Well it's food but it's..not. It's delish either way.

  9. OH and just for gigs i made this one and i won't be making it ever again.

  10. Another comment... Because its a holiday and because I've been thinking about Pinterest since I read your post. True story: my cousin came to my house the other day. I don't know if she knows that I'm a blogger or not. I don't usually advertise it.

    Anyway, she sees a lamp I made for my blog and says, wow! I've seen that lamp on Pinterest. Is that where you got the idea to make it? No. No. No. I thought the idea up in my brain (before I stopped being creative and stole all of my ideas from other people off if Pinterest)... And someone pinned it (which I was excited about!) from google image search. Which means that I made this totally cute ruffle ribbon lamp from my own creative mind, and now a million people can see it on Pinterest, and that's way cool, but Pinterest gets all the credit and I get none. And as many people have seen my lamp, you would think my blog would get more hits. Nope. And on top of that, no one has seen the awesome tutorial that I worked really hard on that went with the pretty picture of the lamp. Bummer.

    So that's my two cents. I love Pinterest. Love it. But sometimes I feel like it's steeling from me as a blogger.

  11. I dont want to talk about pinterest because Im at work and my data connection isnt fast enough for the miriad of thumbnails on pinterst. It barely handles blogger. Yet I had to try today because of the holiday and all.

  12. Before Pinterest I used to keep all of the links I liked in this ginormous Google Spreadsheet (I'll push up my business nerd glasses now). Pinterest seriously simplified my electronic hoarding.

    I don't do separate boards for recipes that have worked out, I just go back and add the note "Made it & Liked it" as well as an notes to myself for the future. Truthfully if something was horrible in my eyes and others have repinned it, I will contact my friends that pinned it and tell them it was truly horrific. A little neurotic I know. But I was so mad when I froze 3 avocados and their consistency turned to unusable CRAP, stupid pinterest pin, you can't freeze avocados if you care at all about texture...

    Ok more positive note...Favorite Breakfasts:
    (That last one is super great for lazy mornings)

    Favorite Dinner:

    Favorite Fattening Salad to take to BBQs:

  13. Well, I'm going to comment on your blog anyway because you are one of the first blogs I check every day. Even though I get notices on FB of your posts, I still check it first. And...I don't even click the FB link to your blog bc that gives money to FB. I have it under my bookmarks, so that means I make the effort to do several clicks to get here. Yes, you're that awesome and fun to follow!

  14. Ok..I was rolling on the floor laughing at this! I mean, really, who doesn't love Pinterest? Oh and when are we going to see you at some bloggy things? We need to meet!!!
    flats to flip flops

  15. I had to giggle at the one about flat belly/chocolate cake. I think that's what makes Pinterest so amazing. When you're there, you can sew, craft, bake homemade cakes, have amazing hair and a fab wardrobe and be super uber skinny without leaving your computer chair! it's basically magic!!!

  16. I'm a pinterest addict too! It's so bad, but I just can't stop.

    PS Happy Comment Day! :)

  17. I wonder if it's easier to edit on an iPad?.? They really need to make it easier to edit boards in general.

    I love the crap food board. iIts da bomb. I also. HATE pin lies. But you already knew that.

    Does it make me a jerk if I warn other people? Like, the glow stick in bubbles=glowing.bubbles nonsense? I wanna give people a heads up, but it might sound obnoxious.

  18. Here's some comment lovin' Kimbo! Great ideas for us lurkers.

    Not quite addicted...except to pin about my DD's wedding...modest dresses and MOB dresses for her to help me choose.

    I'd love to print out those ecards/somecards to pass around physically (not throw them, hand them out). They're so funny/true.

    Mandi you're not a jerk for warning us...that is what a friend does...so we can learn from each other and not make the same mistake.

  19. Ok. So I'm a long time reader. Like a couple years. And I totally am not a commenter. But I agree, its just being lazy. So here goes:

    1. I've read a long time and think you're really funny. And I like your crafts and stalk, I mean follow you on Pinterest.

    2. My best college girlfriend totally lives in Inkom and I've been to Pocatello.

    3. I secretly have been planning on visiting her again and working it out to meet you at the same time. (In a totally non stalkery way, of course.)

    4. She just told me last week that after living there for a decade she's moving with her adorable little family to Boise.

    5. Fail.

    Hope you have a great day and get lots of comments. :)

    Sarah from limemadedesigns.com

  20. Ah Pinterest... Who doesn't love it!?! Besides husbands and certain children... haha. I have one that I pinned, tried and love! http://pinterest.com/pin/200269514650259110/ Hope you like it too!

  21. No mean comments lol!..Just wanted to thank you for a fun,creative & very funny blog! I love reading them! From one Idaho chick to another~ keep em comin!! : )

  22. I didn't know you could be in pinterest groups.....um.....life just changed.

  23. I had one for a lemon cheesecake that is to die for and now I can't find it. I suck at cheesecake but this just works every time. Ive made it 3 times now Think I need to clean up my boards.

    Once I found a board had doubled up so I deleted it and completely lost my board, devastated!

  24. That is too funny about that board. It would be better if it said "this job is crap!"

  25. Oh my goodness those e-cards are too funny! Happy Post A Comment Day!!!

  26. I love Pinterest! I follow you on there and here. Thank you for all your ideas.

  27. so sorry you got hacked! i noticed you truncated--yay! thanks for doing that. I am happy that you are getting making it easier for me to see your full post.;) Lets talk ad placement someday.

  28. p.s. i actually wrote pinterst and asked for secret boards specifically for my party planning. i don't want to pin 100 airplane ideas for an airplane party and have everyone already know b/c they saw it on my p in board!

  29. Ahh Pinterest. You know you have a problem when you will reorganize your boards on Pinterest over cleaning your actual house.
    Anyways, I have a tried it/liked it board with a ton of great recipes: http://pinterest.com/mamainsomnia/tried-it-liked-it/
    I just started a weekly feature on my blog where I take a few pins, do them and blog the honest results. http://pinterest.com/mamainsomnia/stop-the-p-insanity/

  30. Pinterest is my one stop go to for ideas, if ever I have a crafty idea I know I can look it up and get a TON of inspiration! xx


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.