
expressions vinyl posting...Boy activity table

if you are reallllllly on top of things...you will notice that i post on the expressions vinyl blog every third wednesday. (i only know how to spell that cause i say WED-NES-DAY) it's a sad truth.

so take a look at the calendar....
realize that today is the third wednesday

which means......

really? you aren't the sharpest crayon in the box are you? okay. i'll tell you..

i'm over at the expressions vinyl blog...i'm going over the vinyl i used for the coffee table redo
come visit me!!!!



  1. I just went over there and can't see it, I'm doing a Thomas train table for my little ones and would love to see this.

  2. I spell Wednesday the same way...and Friend is Fri-end to remember the e/i order.


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.