
ispy... a cute bunting...

okay. so you may have seen my cute little button on the sidebar

kandice is actually from my ala mater....
and she is a fantastic photographer...
but that's not why i'm here.
she signed up on for one of my ispy swaps...
and she came up with a clever way to use them (without having to make a whole dang quilt) (her words not mine!)
she just sewed two different squares together...pinked the edges, cut them into triangles then randomly attached them with homemade bias tape....so cute and easy!
she uses hers for backdrops

but how cute would these random ispy squares bunting me in a kids room! i love it! so clever!
so go check out kandice's blog that has loads of cute photos (i would put some in here to show you...but i don't know what the protocol is and i don't want to make anyone mad)

and if you need some ispy squares...i have one left HERE



  1. guess what - - try to reply to this - - oh wait, you can't - - I turned into a no reply commentor and didn't even know it! Ironic, eh?! Anyways, cute buntings - fun idea for the leftover ispy squares I have...


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.