
inspiration board

ladies...this thing is soooo fun. she asked me to create a board....and i created 6. it's kinda addicting...

it basically takes all your uploaded pictures and combine them to make an inspiration board--but you get to add fun backgrounds and frames and text and to top it off...it's pretty idiot proof (i mean..i DID IT! so yea...idiot proof)

here's one i made with all the hair pictures i made
 i'm so excited--i love that i can have all my favoritest of pictures on one cute board instead of 1000 of pictures floating around! go check it out--you'll be hooked! (and make sure to link up to enter to win a PRIZE! they're amazing.)

1 comment:

  1. ha! I know that model in the bottom left picture. She's my sister's age and we were in the same ward. :)


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