
what to write.......?

so....this is my 1000 post.

and i've been trying to think of something fantastic that would make it worthwhile.....

when i had my 1000 tweet...i tweeted a link to this...
which i thought was totally funny...but after my recent camping trip i'm thinking it will be a wise investment.

but my 1000 blog post.!?

it needs something grandiose.

i've got nothing.

so you get some random crap. cause more than anything else on here...is crap.

let's start.

my baby sister is married (and defiled)

her reception is this weekend....so it's go time around here....
basically so excited for it to be over
(no offense mallory)
but i called my mom at 9:30 last night to talk about garbage cans for the wedding.
i'll be happy when my mind is not thinking black and white wedding crap
(she's got a fun pinterest wedding board and it just gives me another reason to love pinterest! It has made wedding planning so much fun and easy and you can look at her board and know her style and what she likes. wish i could get divorced and get married again.

no. i don't.)

but we had a really fun girls night the night before she got married...
my coordination with ikea was purely accidental....
(i finally got some legs for my desk and my mommy bought me a new rug for my birthday...

and i love ikea.
love it.
marry it.

and on thursday is my eldest's birthday

i can't believe i have a 9 year old. i wish i can say we are having an awesome themed birthday party that i stole from a pin on pinterest and i will be able to blog about.

but we aren't.
she has what we shall call an "attitude problem" and was warned that there will be no birthday party unless she made an adjustment.
which resulted in her throwing something and going to her room to slam her door.
so it will be a low key day.
(As you can see...i'm not one of those moms' that sits on the doorstep and cries when their kids go to school.
i'm one of those moms that will go to walmart and joanns with only one kid in tow and will do it joyfully.)

(but i'm pretty sure i'm going to pull one of these to still make it special day)

oh..and i wanted to share two more iphone fun things.
(still obsessed)
HAS AWESOME fonts. love it the most.

and i've got a new game i'm totally wasting my time with...

song pop
you pick a genre of music..
they play 5 songs and you have to guess either the title or artist (multiple choice)
but it's timed and you are racing to beat your competitor.
let's just say rap is NOT my forte
and apparently 80's love songs are...

for other iphone posts you can go here

and hey..i never heard from my birthday crap winner...
so a new winner will be picked.

email me at kimbowest 21 @gmail .com



  1. Your wedding comment is hilarious!

  2. I literally laughed out loud at this entire post!

    Also, they have advertisements for the Go Girl in the bathroom stalls at my gym and I've always laughed but I guess I could see the use.......lol

  3. I have had a Go Girl for a few years now. Never used it though. There has been a time or two that I have wished I had it with me to use! lol I got it because the company sent a bunch to a geocacher to give out to the female geocachers at a gathering I went to.

  4. Happy 1000th post! And many, many more!! Thanks for sharing your life and crap with the rest of us :)

  5. Your sister looked beautiful!!! :) I get that though... my brother is getting married this weekend and I'm just done... haha. Ready for it to be over!!!

  6. I never got why women cried to see their kids back to school. Happy 1000 posts :)

  7. OMG that's me!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! :)

    As for your 1000th post, I think you did it quite well! I honestly love the random posts just as much as I love the crafting ones. Just a little glimpse into who it is that writes this fabulous blog.

    You're so LUCKY!! 9 DAYS! I still have TWO WEEKS!! A 9 year old stepson and a 5 year old Kindergartener! I can't even contain the excitement! Note the exclamation points!!!!!

  8. Kimbo, you have the best sense of humor!!!

  9. just cracking up over the whole thing.... married and defiled, married and divorced just to plan a wedding, the nine-year-old's attitude and no birthday, the funnel, and song pop -- I am hooked too...
    so hilarious.
    Thank You!!!!


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.