
shout outs and an award

thanks to the THRIFY BA

she has a whole tutorial on how to make your own fabric tags...using YOUR printer.
love it. LOOOOOVE.

adore. love. happy. must copy.

i so love. like might have another kid so I can have a new nursery and paint this fab tree on the wall.

love the ribbon and love the beads.

From Blank Pages'

love these activity books! she sells them in her etsy shop if anyone is interested.

Love this chalkboard USA!

i would live here. honest.

love this headboard...oh, did I mention it's made out of vinyl

crocheting is one thing I just can't get my finger on...but I adore these hats! It makes me ALMOST want to sit down and figure it out. Oh wait..she sells these on etsy. Nevermind. I'll probably just buy one!

oh my another ABC...this one might be my favorite. (okay, I say that alot!)

see....love it..

and found this

how adorable is this. I think it would be so cute to buy a tank in every color and put each month on the tank...it would save yourself having to answer the question, "how far along are you" (you  know you get asked that EVERY 10 minutes.) Also great for when you are just starting to show in that awkward stage of "is she pregnant or just had one to many burritos?"


  1. Thank you!!! :) I feel very honored to be listed with all of those other great projects! :) What a great collection!

  2. thanks so much!! you are such a sweetie!!! if you would like to buy one of my crochet hats, i will give you Free Shipping! just send me an email or convo me on Etsy!

    love your blog. i'm a follower now :)


  3. Oh thanks so much!!! Wow i'm all happy now ♥ love your blog ... off to have a look through a bit more :)

    Take care and Happy Crafting!

  4. Thanks for highlighting my chalkboard! So many cute ideas!


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