
shout outs and an AWARD

I got another award.

thanks so much.
I love me some awards.
I epecially love passing it on to all these great blogs:
Positively Splendid
these pillows are so freaking awesome. FREAKING AWESOME! i love them

and did you see these snap on tees? I had a velcro shirt with big bows you could mix or match. I thought it was the coolest thing ever....I was wrong...this is the coolest thing ever!

she redid this headboard...but I adore the whole stinking room! so cute!

wow. love these man bracelets...and here's some good news..she's selling them. BONUS.

No words. just awe.

love the way she organized this...she used yarn to spell out her words...how genious is that.

(yes, again!)

she did these as her recyled craft on SYTYC. I saw them and was RELIEVED that I had already been kicked off so I didn't have to compete against them. TO DIE FOR CUTE!!!! (the boys and the hat)

these are embroidery hoops. love the hoops, love the cards with clothespins....love the stripes.

If I wash ONE more CHAPSTICK!

this dollhouse is made by two drawers. how much do you love it?

such a great blog....and loved this art work!

love this clever way to hold all you birthday cards!!!
After the birthday is over we hold punch the corner and add them to a ring...so each kid has there own ring of all their cards they have ever gotten!


  1. Wow - I am absolutely honored to be in such great company! Thank you so very much!

  2. Thanks for linking up the ltitle man cuffs and the hats. I was a bit bummed when you left SYTYC. Your blog and ideas are fabulous. Thanks again for posting this!


  3. Thank you! I love all the projects you featured--am so flattered to be included in the bunch!

  4. thanks so much for the shout out and the award! your blog is darling...I will be checking in from now on :)

  5. thanks so much for the shout out and the award! your blog is darling...I will be checking in from now on :)

  6. Whoa! Thanks so much. I can't believe how nice you are to include my blog with these others. (some of my very favorites!!) I love your blog as well and love all your great ideas and awesome writing! Thank you. That was a great wrap-up to my weekend!

  7. Thanks so much for including me in the mix. It totally made my day!

  8. Wow! Thanks so much for including my little dollhouse. :D

  9. Thanks so much for the award! :)
    I just passed it on today.


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.