
Scrapbook birthday present.

So my grandma turned 80!  and we had a BIG birthday party for her! (cotton candy machine included!!)

 One of the gifts that we are all giving her  is just so cool that I had to share. We all did a scrapbook page of our families. (she has 20ish grandchildren and 60ish greats....so we are a pretty big group) Her sisters also did some and her nieces and nephews. So we when we combined it all we had a pretty thick scrapbook!

My page:

and just because they are so darn cute...a closeup of the kiddos.

my sisters pages
my brother's pages
my mom and dad's page

the birthday girl looking through the scrapbook.

(notice the pink crown..my daughter wore one just like it for her 1st birthday!)
Happy Birthday GG!


  1. This is such a fun idea! What a special gift. (Love the pink crown, too!)

  2. scrapbooking is love to me, and this is such a beautiful idea! I had goosebumps thinking about doing this in the future for someone in my family!

  3. That is just so precious, love it. Pictures with wonderful memories are better then anything. Jen

  4. What a great idea!!! I love it! And such a sweet gift...I bet she loved it! Thanks for linking up to Mad Skills Monday!


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