
a new take on the crayon roll.

so with the school sales, crayons are cheap! 25 cents cheap. and I probably bought my weight in them. We are big fans of the crayon roll--but I came up with a new twist.

a crayon roll with a little tablet to color.

I got these tablets at walgreens 6 for $1. can't beat that

and made a basic crayon roll

start with some fabric
fold down the top section and sew.

turn it right side out....iron
iron the remaining edges up  just a half inch
then sew along the bottom folded edge.

then take it up about 2/3 of the way
add your elastic for the closure and then sew all the way around.
take a measuring tape and pins
and measure how far apart you want the crayons.
make sure you leave plenty of room for the tablet.

to cover the tablet...i just used hot glue and followed THESE instructions

fill with crayons and tablet and roll up THEN sew on your button

I ended up making a whole slew of them
(I made more than this even....but these are the ones I'm selling on ETSY!)


  1. Do you think this is possible without sewing (glue or hem tape)??
    These are adorable and my daughter has been BEGGING me for one, but I can not sew :O)

  2. Very cute! I love the little ruffle notepad!

  3. SOO CUTE !! where did you get the farbics ??? the local farbic stores here *hobby lobby and joanns* are.. boring !!! and im in a BIG need to find cute farbic stores !!

  4. Love those! I made a little notebook cozy that fits crayons and a little notepad all in one. So fun to make!!!

  5. Love it! I made something similar for my little girl last year for Christmas, I think I like your version better!

  6. Love it! Of course I wish I had seen it before I made my slew of them! Come join me friday for a new fun link up!

  7. Very cute. What a smartie to add a spot for a notebook! And darling fabric choices!

  8. Oh this is just TOO CUTE!
    You should come link it up to my Making It party!

  9. Oh cute, and I love how your covered notebook looks. This is so going on my project list!

  10. What a great idea. The crayon roll and the tablet cover are so cute.

  11. Love the idea of including a notebook with the crayon roll. Great work!

  12. Super cute idea! Thanks for sharing!

  13. Very cute I like the pocket for the book instead of just crayons! Thanks for linking up to Topsy Turvy Tuesday's!

  14. What a great idea. I can keep one in my purse so I will always have something for my little one to do when we are out and he gets bored. Thanks for sharing.


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