
doll diapers

Okay....In case you missed my easy no-sew version doll diapers...click HERE

Now for those of you who can wield a sewing machine...this one's for you.

I got all these great birp clothes with my last baby...really big...to catch all that *birp*. But my daughter wasn't a big spit queen...so they were hardly used!

we actually use on as a rug in our barbie house

I just cut out a basic diaper shape (I should know what they look like...I get one out of diapers and another one comes along-- almost 7 years of diapers...whew)
these birp rags are two pieces of flannel sewed together...So I cut out the diapers shapes and seperated each piece and added a stripe with a circle.

put right sides together

I sewed all the way around except for the top....but before I turned them right side out...

I cut little notches along the curved edges....helps it lie flat when it's turned right side out.

my unfinished edge (there are two diapers here.....) I use my iron to help me hold that edge in and stay put. then I sew it up. On one diaper I continued sewing all along the edge...on the other I just did the edge...so you can pick whatever floats your boat.

add some velcro.....I had all the babies out when I made these to make sure they fit...but if you don't know what size your doll--or you want it to fit more than one doll--  you can just add one big piece of velcro to make it adjustable:

omygosh my hands look old. I am a twentysomething trapped with seventy year old hands!!!
oh, sorry. back to what were doing......
if you trust your kids..you could use safety pins. Add that cloth diaper wonder woman affect:

and done. no more baby posts for a week (I was going to say longer...but let's get real!)


  1. I love your blog and I gave you an award :)

  2. Oh how cute!!! I love those diapers and those dolls!!

  3. My girls are going to love this!! Happy Friday Following! Glad to be your newest follower. Have a great weekend!

  4. uh, these are SUCH a good idea! My girl is FOREVER asking to have her brothers diapers for all her dolls and we have loads of burp cloths lying around!

    I'm your newest follower over from TidyMom, hope you're having a good Friday!

  5. LOVE this !!! my girls will die i HAVE to make these!


  6. OH I wish I had little girls. Nope, just three boys. Those are so cute. New follower in the house from Follow me Friday! Would love for you to return the favor. Hope to hear from you soon.

    Lots of yummy love,
    Alex aka Ma, What's For Dinner

  7. These are so much fun! I love them, the fabrics are darling! Thanks so much for sharing! :)

  8. This is just what I have been needing! I want to make a baby doll set for my daughter for Christmas... a boppy, wet wipe containers, and DIAPERS (this ones at the store are just so cheap and fall apart so easily). THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!

  9. how sweet!! i have a sewing machine and the want to know how but not the time... maybe someday!!

    i just love these! great job!!!

  10. How cute!
    I'm following from Trendy treehouse!
    Will you follow me back?

  11. love it.. now onlyif i had a girl...but your barbie furnishings.. you made yourself... and I love love love them...

  12. I love your blog!
    I gave you a 'Beautiful Blog' Award!
    Ashley @ No Apologies

  13. So cute! Can't wait to make some for my daughter's baby dolls! BTW, that is the cutest dolly ever - where did you get it?


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