
shout outs...well..not really..

so i'm unawesome.
no i take that back.
i'm super awesome
just not today.
i took my computer in....well..i'm taking it in...and i'm trying to get all my posts prescheduled...

and i really don't want to sit and link up all these fun vinyl stuff (cause it's unofficial cameo week)
*and i have more coming up next week.*

so instead..i'm just going to leave you with a link to my cameo/vinyl crap pin board

over 100 pins of vinyl goodness!!!!! leave me a comment on anyone you love the mostest!

1 comment:

  1. So much information...so overwhelming...fun for later. I need to go out and buy some vinyl.


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.