
shout outs

homes i have made
this is just to cute. love the stripes and colors!

going to buy socks...like now.

hot chocolate on a stick. stir until gone! oh yum. i would just eat the sticks like suckers.

lego my eggo. oh no. that's waffles. but aren't these lego building valentines the cutest!

lil blue boo
oh my. this just looks so fun...and anything goes. we might be doing this sooner than later.

the shabby nest
POW! that is what this wall does to me.

creatively living
i adore adding kid's art to your decor. it's so sweet and makes your littles feel so proud!

east coast creative

who knew such a little thing would create such a difference in a room! looooooove

sew craft create
i have always wanted to make one of these tents....one day. when it's warm. and i have wood..and tools.

ingenious! pvc...those sticky suction cups...hours of wrinkly water fun.

we love altoid tins...and legos...so to combine...nothing but pure magic!!!

and thanks to laura for sending me the link to these...
my kind of cards...
you got to read between the lines!



  1. Thanks for the kid's wall art love! Have a great week!

  2. The Brooding Hen link goes to the DIY Camping page...


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.