
kid craft monday--present edition!

my daughter is 9

I had her when i was 12.
true story not a true story but let me just have this one mkay?

and 9 year olds are hard to shop for. i mean you can only buy so many justin beiber things (we have cds, shirts, movies, posters, duct tape, pillowcase, ornament, stickers, and all we have left to buy is the perfume....
but i'll be danged if i spend that much on perfume for a 9 year old
(i will later eat these words i'm afraid...cause go up to the 5th line down first sentence.) (I honestly feel bad for the mom's of little girls who don't love jb. i mean what do you buy them? one direction stuff?)

anyways. she doesn't want toys. but she doesn't want a toaster...or mixing bowls no matter how colorful they are.

and you can only buy her so many clothes (i actually have given up buying clothes without her approval or maybe she took away my permission to buy her stuff.)

i should buy a boat.(what movie?)

wait what. i'm lost.

um...hard to shop for. she's a woman.

or going to be. her husband will be lucky. hopefully they get married quickly and he marries her for her good looks and doesn't figure out what a pain in the butt she can be til later. no take backs mr. future jordan's husband. no take backs.

i'm fairly sure this is how me and the husband got started. dang these good looks. we don't have to have good personalities with this face.

you know..i blame tremayne. i really do. i read her posts and she puts me in such a funny mood (good funny.) and then i try to write a post but all i have going through my head is

Mandi was so uptight, that if you put a lump of coal. . ."  never mind.  Just know that in two weeks, you'd have a diamond.

holy crap.

my daughter got some fun presents this year in the artistic area.
so i thought i would show them to you--cause they are all fun things that your kids can do for kid crafts...

okay...let's start with my all time favorite...this home decor kit.

 my daughter is obsessed with those home design games on her ipod...and my mother in law found this awesome kit...

it's a light box...and a whole pile of furnishings to trace

as you can see..it's her fav too.

(she has a clothes one alot like this...design outfits for girls. she loves that one too)

second up is this makeup kit:

she loves makeup.
blue eyeshadow up to her eyebrows and RED lipsticks.
it's 80s.
 not the good kind.
so when i saw this i thought crap yes. the fun of makeup.
without the craptasticness of makeup.

now...this would be a very easy diy project.
you would just need an outline of a face.
i'm sure if you googled it one would pop up.
and then makeup (i buy all my "play" makeup at the dollar store)

we also got a fun american girl kit...

and melissa and doug are one of my favorite brands..

reusable stickers!

we have a few melissa and doug crafts....here's some other favorites...

and my youngest born got a paintable tea set (found at joanns!)

(this is what it looked like..)

she LOVED it.
should have only bought her this one persent!
(can i tell you how hard it was for me to let her paint it by herself.
i so wanted to run out and buy a new one an do it all flowery and polka dotted.

but it turned out so sweet.

 i put them all in a basket with a tablecloth

basically all of these above things kept my kids out of harms way (ie me) while they were home for christmas break!

come back tomorrow for more present fun!



  1. Please let me know what brand the home furnishings kit that your Mother-in-law found. I have two grand daughters who would love love love one of those.
    Diane at guy1065ataoldotcom

  2. I would have loved the design kit as a kiddo!!! What a fun gift to get!!!

  3. You are really good for my ego, cause normally I think my material is lost on everyone but me, until you tell me so. We just get each other. I also love love this list-- awesome gift ideas, plus some of them are great for church quiet time. Unless you think I'm a bad mom for thinking so.

  4. I found the design kit on Amazon. I want one for myself! lol



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