
shout out sunday...

so this week i was over at sugar bee picking my favorites from her linky party (go HERE to see 10 fab projects)--and there were so many fantasticallyness...that i decided to pick my shout outs from her party as well....

painted therapy
ruffles ruffles and more ruffles. i love ruffles!

back for seconds


too much time
sooo cute. i might have a fetish for advents.

one little momma
so cute. rustic is my style (this week)
emmy mom
a little boys lego dream....a mother's organizing dream...

too much time
pretty and unique. it's art. with function. its arfunction.

how to nest for less
i went over there for christmas iphone covers--and got stuck looking at her fun projects! love this damask wall!

ha! these guys make me happy!

feelin crafty
love fonts. funky fonts. all fonts.

crafty mama
wait what? is this another christmas countdown. shall i reiterate my previous statement about fetish's.... 

wow. so clever. i won't tell you..but so sweet and clever.

the vintage umbrella
love the use of scraps. you know...you could make 24 of the them and use them as some sort of countdown...

really really great craft ideas.i pinned loads of them!

creatively living
this nook needs my computer and my butt. and some chocolate. i would feel right at home.

alright...make sure you go over and link up at mandy's linky party every tuesday!



  1. Thanks for liking my office enough to want you butt in it! lol

    It actually could use someone to sit in it, because although I made it for my hubby in hopes he would leave the upstairs office for me, no one really wants to sit (by themselves) in the basement, so he invaded the upstairs and I'm at the kitchen table, and my cute little office in the basement is usually lonley :) lol

    Have a fantastic Sunday! --Katie

  2. awesome features - - I should just hand my party over to you every week!

  3. Featuring links from Mandy's link up party - what a great idea! Maybe I'll do a post featuring link ups from her party...do you think she'd mind?


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.