
shout outs

sew craft create
my daughter loves to pretend to take pictures....(a blogger in the making) this is just soo stinkin cute!

delighting in today

oh the baths i would take in this tub.

my kids would totally have a blast making these! definitely on the the to do list this halloween!

fancy frugal life

oh my gosh. what's not to love?

yellow spool
these embroidered placemats are just too gorgeous! and what a great teaching tool to get your kids to set the table correctly!

kara paslay design
guess what this headboard is made out of? come on..guess...

drawer full of pretty wishes
this old purse was made fantastic! i would carry it with pride!

its always autumn

what a statement piece!!!!!

cheesecake and cookies. holy.

everything about this little number is fantastical.

totally eye catching and interesting! would love to have this on my wall!

seriously GREAT tips! like this one:

two placemats in one post? you guys must be lucky! LOVIN this ombre fabric..and these 



  1. Thanks for sharing my spider web tutorial!

  2. Great ideas!!
    Thanks for sharing :-)


  3. I just saw this! Thanks so much for posting a picture of my dress! I'm so glad you like it. :) ~Caila


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.