
more fashion icons

so...i had a really hard time picking for yesterday...i thought i would share my close seconds.....and thirds...and fourthsandfifthsandsixes...

victoria beckham...love her. want to marry her..husband. but still great fashion

who doesn't envy an ACTUAL princess...too formal for me though.
reese. like her. seems down to earth. always has the cutest hair cuts.....but no outfit really woowwwed me.
classic. was kinda a given right!

i mean commmme on. sjp. between her and carrie bradshaw it's like magic.

my close runner ups outfits are:

i actually bought some fabric to make this...

if this was an adult competition i would have made this for me...

i also soooo wanted to make this dress
not that she's my idol..but this dress is...
if you haven't voted yet...go HERE...it's a close one this week..if i bit my fingernails they would be down to stubs....

and if you have time..check out the flickr group! it's freakin awesome!

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