
more boy crap...

one of my most popular posts ever here on agaagg are my felt activity mats....
plus ...

with two planned out in my head....
what can i say..i'm addicted...

 i got an email from someone who asked how the felt mats have been holding up...so i thought i would take some pictures and show you...(the only two that are ours are the batman and littlest pet shop)

 answer: they hold up AWESOME...this one is played with weekly....
 now...the felt kinda gathers up in balls (like a fleece blanket does) but that will happen whether you sew it or hot glue it....i would think the higher quality (ie more expensive) felt would hold up better. but i'm cheap.
very occasionally my kids will come out and need a fence post fixed or something..but it takes two seconds and it's back to playing!

i also did an awesome roundup of other car mats HERE

and here are some of my other boy realated crap!

 snake from an old ugly tie

lego present
if you don't value your life..sling shot

stuffed animal scarf

a game holder

 football target with tape and a tarp

 superhero peg dolls

football card binder
hopscotch mat


  1. WOW! You were up early... like at the crack of dawn! Anyways, I have been trying to get myself to buy a whip so my husband or son can be Indiana Jones... and I just couldn't justify the cost... BUT NOW I CAN!! Yippy! Thank you so much for the tutorial!

  2. I have so many projects in the works. And now I want to make a felt mat, and I love the lego one. My boys have a huge lego collection, they usually spread out a blanket so they can just gather them all up super quick, but the mat looks cooler.

  3. These are GREAT! I'm always looking for cool things to make for my boys (boy #4 coming in Nov!) so I appreciate you sharing your awesome ideas! Thanks!!

  4. Love these things, all of them. Would be great christmas presents, especially if I had time and space to make any of them.


Thanks for your comments!! Unless they are mean. Then I take back my thanks....you are officially unthanked.